Chapter 8

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Naruto's morning started in a rather unusual way, the reason for this being Rias sleeping on top of him with no clothes on.  Rias opened her eyes to see Naruto who was in culture shock.
Rias: Good morning Naruto-kun.
Naruto: kind, but answer the question why are you lying on top of me and how did you get here.
Rias: From now on, I live with you, or you will live with me because I doubt that the three of us will fit in this apartment.
Naruto: I have to talk to Ashei about moving.
Rias: don't worry, i already told her yesterday, she agreed and said that you won't mind either, i already packed your things so we can leave.
Naruto: Ok, I'll go wake her up.
At Rias' house.
Rias: welcome to my house!
Asia: This house is so big and beautiful.
Naruto: it's not a house, it's some kind of villa.
Rias: let me show you to your rooms.
Naruto: Wait Asia, I'll help you.
Asia: Thanks Naruto-san, by the way my room is opposite yours.
Asia(💭): Now I can sleep with Naruto-san when I'm scared.
Naruto: wow now you can come to me if you're scared.
Asia looked at him in confusion.
Asia(💭): He reads minds!
Naruto: is something wrong?
Asia: no, nothing, just thinking.
Rias walked up to them with a towel in her hand.
Rias: Naruto-kun I'm going to take a bath, can you rub my back?
Naruto: ok let's go.
Asia: Damn, if you have body contact, then I want too!  The president!  Naruto-san!  Don't forget me!
Naruto/Rias: Asia?!
Rias: Asia, is this a declaration of war?
Asia: Of course, I don’t want to, but apparently my love will be wasted in vain.
The next day.  (Yes, I stupidly missed, there were no ideas)
Naruto lay with his eyes open and next to her lay naked Rias.  She lay hugging his left arm, and his left hand was between her thighs.
Rias: Oh, are you awake yet?
Naruto: Y-yeah.
Rias: Oooo I can see everything!  Sorry, I wanted to sleep with you and hug you instead of a pillow.  I came when you were asleep.  What will we do?  Although leaving everything as it is until the very ascent is also not bad, but doing something more exciting is also very ...
Naruto: President, I'm still a man but I'm not going to do something like that.
Rias: incomparable, if it pleases both of us, I will do anything.
Behind the door
Asia: good morning Naruto-san, morning practice is coming soon.  Naruto?  Are you still sleeping?
Naruto: No, I'm awake!  Wait a bit!  Better wait downstairs please!
Naruto(💭): I can't show myself like this in front of Asia.  Ever since I started living with Rias, they act like rivals.  She clearly doesn't like it.
Rias: Asia, both of us are not ready yet, wait a minute.
Naruto: what.
Asia opened the door and was shocked to see Rias naked and Naruto whose skin seemed to turn pale.
Rias: Good morning Asia.
Asia: I'll undress too!  I don't want to be the only one who's not in business!
Naruto: Asia?!
Rias and her entourage, along with Naruto, were at Issei's house.
Issei: what?  What you all forgot in my house?
Rias: didn't I tell you?  The old school building is being cleaned right now, right where our club room is, so we moved the fees here.
Issei: Oh... You're just talking about it now.
Naruto: listen, I need to go away for a while, I'll be right back.
Rias: ok come back quickly we have an album of photos of little Issei here.
Issei: what!  Mom, don't give them albums, they'll make fun of me.
Naruto appeared in the sky above Issei's house with a gothic loli floating in front of him.
Office: as I thought you noticed me.
Naruto: I noticed you during the battle against the Phoenix, I see you are very strong.
Office: Well let's get acquainted, I'm the infinity dragon Ophis Ouroboros.
Naruto: I'm Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, nice to meet you.  Now tell me, why are you following me?
Office: you zintered me, I need your help to kill someone, join the chaos brigade and help me kill the dragon god Greet Red.
Naruto: firstly, I'm not going to join the chaos brigade, secondly, I won't help you kill someone, and thirdly, tell me about this dragon god, he must be strong if you can't defeat him with such strength.
Office(💭): damn, he doesn't want to help me but he seems interested in him, if he weakens him then I can finish off Greet Red.
Office: Greet Red is the most powerful dragon at the moment, he has strong scales that cannot be pierced, his fiery breath burns everything in his path, he is able to create a huge tornado with his wings.  He is located in a spatial gap where only he and I can get.
Naruto was trembling with excitement, he already wanted to fight this god, but leaving friends next to this girl is not the best idea, despite her appearance, she is 10 times stronger than the same Lucifer.
Naruto: If that's all then go away I have no desire to fight you right now.
Ophis: On the contrary, I want to fight you.
She appeared in front of him and stabbed him in the stomach, sending him far into the mountains.  Naruto did not have time to understand what had happened, only a sharp pain in his stomach and now he knows where, he noticed that he was flying towards him at great speed.  Naruto flew up before she hit the ground, after one hit there was a huge crater on the ground that was bigger than Sakura or Granny Tsunade, Naruto rushed at her with a rasengan in her hand which she stopped with one hand and was about to hit him with the other hand.  Instead of Naruto, she hit a huge boulder, she noticed a white sphere similar to shuriken late, she was thrown hard and there was an explosion in which thousands of needles from the wind pierced her body, but she did not care, he appeared in front of her again and she was already ready to hit him  I felt a severe pain in my stomach.  With one hand he hit in the stomach and with the other he pressed him to the ground in the face, she noticed that his strength had grown and his blows became stronger, she noticed that the skin around his eyes became orange and the pupils were vertical like those of a toad, she kicked him in the stomach and immediately jumped up  on him.  Naruto dodged her punches as if he could see the future and his fist passed inches from her face, she was hit on her right cheek even though she was sure she dodged the blow.  She was tired of the games and now she wanted to check if he could survive, she would release all her strength in the form of an explosion, Naruto noticed that a dark aura began to increase around her and there was a huge explosion that erased everything in the vicinity.  She dropped to one knee, naturally she could have fought on but now it was her limit so she decided to blast with all her strength, it could kill him but she hoped that he would just pass out and she could carry him to the camp.  She felt a power that was 5 times greater than hers, Naruto was covered in a yellow veil and 9 dark spheres hovered behind him.
Naruto: I think we'll end here, I see you yourself are unable to continue.
Office: If all my power was with me, the fight would not have ended so quickly, at the peak of our strength, we will be equal, now I even more want you to join the chaos brigade.
naruto: i still have a lot of tricks up my sleeve and each of them is much stronger than this form, i will fight with that god later but for now i need to rest, i put a barrier so that in the outside world everything is fine and by the way look back i got everything back  in place.
Ophis only noticed that the forests, mountain and roads that should be destroyed now stand still as if nothing had happened, she smiled and disappeared into the magic circle.  Naruto returned the clothes to their previous state and healed the wounds and bruises.
Naruto(💭): What a cool ability, but why did the old man of the six paths stand in a strange position while talking about this power.
Kurama: It doesn't matter, the main thing is that you defeated that girl, although with her powers she could be the main shinobi in the world.
Naruto: (oh kurama, long time no news from what are you doing there?)
Kurama: you could look into the mental space sometimes, otherwise you completely forgot about me.
Naruto: (sorry, it just doesn't work out, a lot of problems)
Kurama: with what?  With girls and you have as many as 2 of them, you can create a whole harem for yourself.
Naruto: Kurama!  Don't be silly, just because we live in the same house doesn't mean they're my girlfriends.)
Kurama: Of course, of course, answer this phone already, otherwise they have already called 5 times.
Naruto pulled his phone out of his pocket and picked up the receiver.
Naruto: Hello, who is this?
Rias: it's me Rias, where do you go back to the occult club we have important business here.
Naruto: ok, I'll be there in a minute.
At the occult club.
Upon entering the club, Naruto noticed two things, the first was the tense atmosphere and the second was student council president Sona.
Rias: Naruto sure you know her.
Naruto: yes, because of her I have to study and because of you too.
Rias had veins on his forehead.
Rias: shut up, if it wasn't for me you'd be stuck there until the evening with her.  And she is very boring.
Sona: who are you calling boring!  At least I don't watch children's cartoons.
Rias: It's Anime, don't you dare call it cartoon!
Naruto: Fuck off!
Everyone flinched at his loud tone.  Even Asia almost cried, Naruto calmly asked the reason why he was called here.
Sona: well, I see you are very smart despite your character and I want to play chess with you.
Naruto: Chess?  Ha, yes, I’ll make you understand, you won’t have time to understand anything.
Rias: Naruto she is very smart and very good at chess.
Naruto: Awesome, that gives more reason to take her down.
Sona: let's see, if you lose, join the student council, if you win, I will fulfill your every wish.
Issei: wait a wish, so you can even do stuff like that with him?
Rias: he won't go anywhere..
Naruto: I agree, I'll show you how real pros play.
3 Doritos later.
Everyone except Naruto was shocked, especially Sona herself and Rias.  Sona knew he was smart but so much so that she couldn't concentrate because he acted like he knew her every move.  And Rias was surprised that Sona the smartest girl was defeated, especially since he didn't seem to be playing seriously as he drank tea and ate cookies during the game.
Naruto: great, I won, now I can wish for whatever I want.  Um why are you so quiet?
Rias: Naruto you defeated her.
Naruto: yeah i know you just noticed?
Sona: No, it's just that my parents and I are one of the demons of the 72 pillars.  My sister is also one of the 4 rulers of the underworld and therefore cannot marry her.
Naruto: so what, what does this have to do with it?
Sona: I told my parents that I will not marry someone who is dumber than me, and if someone beats me at chess, I will marry him.
Naruto: wait, is this a joke?  If so, then stop joking around.
Rias: that's true, many have already tried to defeat her, but it didn't work, you are the first one who was able to defeat her.
Sona: so you are my future husband.
Naruto: I'm sorry but I have to refuse, I understand you are smart, beautiful, very strong but we have completely different views.
Sona: thank you game, it was very unusual for the first time I've been beaten like this.
Naruto: Especially since I'm married!
All (Naruto): WHAT!!
Issei: who is that?!
Naruto: It's Asia
He got down on one knee and took out a ring from his pocket that was plated in rose gold with an emerald stone.  Everyone freaked out even more and Asia blushed deeply.
Naruto: Asia will you marry me?  I know we're not even dating, but eventually we'll have our first date, so how ready are you to marry me.
Asia: well, I need to think, it's so sudden.
Naruto: Don't worry, you can think about it.
Sona: ok Rias, see you tomorrow at the tournament.
Rias: ok see you.
Rias and Sona were playing tennis, Issei is supporting Rias and Saji is waving a flag that says "Student Council" and shouting her name.  The game ended in a draw as the paddles were broken, the next dodgeball game in which all the guys were aiming at Issei, Kiba stood still in 6th place while the ball was flying at him, Issei pushed him to the side and the ball hit him in the balls.  Naruto decided to join because he was tired of sitting still, he threw the balls with such force that they left cracks on the walls, he avenged Issei by breaking their eggs.  Upon learning this, Issei thanked him and said that he would give him a collection of hentai manga.  Naruto noticed Rias chastising Kiba, he also noticed that he just stood there like he wasn't there.
Naruto: Kiba, what's wrong with you?
Kiba: It's okay, I'm fine, just a little tired.
Naruto: you don't know how to lie, me and everyone else is worried about you.
Kiba: are you worried?  Aren't demons supposed to be evil creatures.
Naruto grabbed him by the collar
Naruto: Don't be silly, you and the others experienced a lot of pain in the battle against Riser shouldn't you make up for each other's shortcomings.  After all, we are comrades.
Kiba: comrades?  You're too emotional Naruto-kun.  I just remembered something.
Naruto: remember?
Kiba: Exactly the reason why I'm fighting.
Naruto: For the mistress?
Kiba: No, I live for revenge!  To destroy the sacred sword Excalibur.  That's why I fight.

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