Chapter 14

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Sorry for the long absence, I have the last class and, accordingly, a lot of tests and little time, I think I will finish this fanfic in the next chapter.  I'm sorry if you expected more, whatever one may say, I'm new to this and for me this is also the result, about the next fanfic, I decided that it would be about the Middle Ages and Naruto too, I won't say what the ship will be in time you will see.

An army of demons, fallen ones, and angels gathered around the academy.
Kiba: seems like any little thing can piss them off.
Issei: The troops can't break through the barrier, but it's scary to look at them from here.
Rias: let's go.
Gasper: President!  Guys!
Rias: Gasper, there is an important negotiation about to begin that can be derailed if you accidentally use your Sacred Gear, so stay quiet, lower than the grass.
Issei: i brought you video games and snacks.  And if you feel sad, immediately put on the bag.
Gasper: okay.
Naruto: So you found Issei's approach to him.
Issei: like that.
The leaders of the three factions sat at the same table.  Michael is the leader of the angels, Azazel is the governor-general of the fallen, Sizrekh and Serafall are the leaders of the demons.
Sizrekh: My younger sister and her retinue, they were recently attacked by Kokabiel.
Azazel: I apologize for the trouble Kokabiel caused you.
Sizrekh: Please, have a seat.
God is dead, everyone here today already knows, so let's take it for granted.  Thus began the negotiations between the three factions.
Michael: in this regard, we are angels....
Azazel: you angels are halfway to defeat yes.
Michael: I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Naruto (💭): the negotiations are surprisingly calm, everyone is in control.
Sisrekh: well Rias tell us what happened that day.
Rias: good Lord Lucifer.
Rias and Sona told everything that happened that day.
Sona: That's it.
Sisrekh: Thank you, you can return to your seats.  So, is the governor general of the fallen angels going to comment on what happened?
Azazel: An officer of the Gregoria, the organization of fallen angels, Kokabiel acted arbitrarily.  The White Dragon Emperor reined him in.  After Gregory, he decided to imprison him in the icy depths until the end of time.  However, you read all this in the report, I have nothing to add.
Mikhail: I saw your countdown, but you should control the fallen, otherwise it will lead to war.
Azazel: don't worry, I'm not going to create a war, I have so many things to do that I'm no longer interested in this.
Sisrekh: Alright Azazel, but I have a question for you.  Why did you start collecting Sacred Gears?
Azazel: I'm afraid I can't answer, it's personal.
Serafall: We're going to make peace, otherwise we can't trust you.
Mikhail: she's right, little brother, I'm also interested in what they are for you.
Azazel: ok, but I want to ask the Security Guard a question.
Issei: huh?  What?
Azazel: Issei you have a red dragon emperor, what will you do when you get stronger?
Issei: well, that's...
Azazel: Vali has already decided what he wants to do when he gets even stronger.
Naruto: what is it?
Vali: I want to fight strong opponents, and when I get stronger, I will challenge Great Red.
Naruto: nonsense.
Vali: what did you say?!  Don't show off just because you beat him!
Naruto: no matter how hard you try, Albion's level is much lower than Great Red.
Azazel: You can save your arguments for later, I want to hear Issei's answer.  Well, Issei what did you decide.
Issei: well i dont even know what to say.
Naruto: what is there to think, if you refuse there will be a war and you will not be able to be near your wife, if you agree there will be peace and you can do whatever you want with your wife.
Issei: well then it's clear that i agree.
Serafall: Well, if that's all, then you can speak your Azazel.
Azazel: ok ok tell me now.  Do you remember Triexa?
Everyone except the leaders: who are they?
Sizrekh: Triexa is the dragon of the apocalypse and the most powerful being in the entire universe.
Serafall: Triexa is stronger than all the pantheon of Shinto gods.
Naruto: pantheono shinto gods?  What are they?
Michael: These are gods like Amaterasu, Shinigami, Susano, Tsukiyomi.  Izanagi and Izanami are the ones who created them and our world.
Issei: but why is he here?
Azazel: He'll be back soon...
All-Azazel: What?!
Azazel: Give me a deal...
Issei: AAAAAAAA we are all going to die.
Rias: bro is this a joke right?
Asia: Naruto-kun I don't want to die.
Sizrekh/Serafall/Michael: we need to prepare troops for war...
Azazel: shut up!  Why do you never listen when someone is talking!
Everyone silently sat down.
Naruto: You can talk.
Azazel: As I said, Triexa will return, but this time much stronger than before.
Mikhail: he could beat Great Red before without much difficulty, I'm scared to imagine how strong he will become.
Serafall: Even if the three factions unite, it won't be enough.
Azazel: I also didn't know what to do at first until I decided to collect the Sacred Gears and combine them all, later I came up with the idea to create my own Sacred Gear.  But Ajuka refused it and I was ready to give up until I met Naruto, we created Longinus-type sacred gears that would not be inferior to the originals.  Naruto defeated Great Red using an artificial Sacred Gear.
Vali: what are you getting at?
Azazel: I'm not strong enough to take down Great Red, but Naruto did it and I think he can take down Triexa.
Sizrekh: I mean, you want Naruto to fight Triexa.
Azazel: not only fought, but was able to defeat him.
Mikhail: you asked Naruto if he would refuse...
Naruto: I'm in!
Rias: as usual.
Azazel: As I thought, he won't miss the chance to fight a strong opponent.
Asia: but when he appears...
Everyone but the faction leaders and Naruto froze in place.
Naruto: hey, what's with them?!
Sizrekh: Apparently someone is using my sister's 2 bishops.
Naruto: what?!  How can someone use the abilities of other demons.
Sizrekh: Gasper is actually a vampire, and it's simple if there is someone with the power of "Longinus", then he can interact with other demons.
Azazel: look over here, some people in robes are attacking the academy.
Naruto: uh, they didn't live long, why did you kill them right away?  They must have had a plan or something.
Michael: Apparently someone doesn't want the three factions to unite.
???: long time no see my friends.
All-Naruto: You?!
????: Greetings Lord Sizrekh, current Demon King.  I, Katreya Leviathan, descendant of the past leviathan
Michael: Supporter of the previous Demon King.  Millennium warrior left the demons in a deplorable state.  The whole species could disappear if another war happened.
Naruto: But the blood carriers of the past Demon King were determined to continue the war to the end.
Katreya: Most of the Demon King's descendants decided to cooperate with Ophis and the Khaos Brigade.
Azazel: I never thought you would join Ophis for this terror.
Katreya: as the embodiment of strength, she is perfect for bringing different forces together.  And by these forces the world will be destroyed and rebuilt.  We will be the ones who will rule the new world.
Azazel: So Ophis is your patron.
Serafall: Katreya-san, why are you doing this?
Katreya: what a shameless question Serafall is?!  You stole the title of Leviathan from me!
Naruto: she's much stronger than you, it's understandable why she became the new Leviathan.
Katreya: shut up!  When Ophis becomes the new god of the world, we will create a system to control him and you will all be finished.
Naruto tossed a 100 yen coin at her.
Katreya: a coin?  Seriously?  And what will an ordinary coin do?!
Naruto: I can turn anything I touch into a bomb, even a coin.  First explosive!
The coin lit up and then an explosion occurred that completely destroyed her body.  Everything frozen could move again.
Issei: what happened?
Naruto: It doesn't matter, the main thing is that you're okay.
Rias: I'll go check on Gasper...
Naruto: He's fine, my blood clone is with him now so don't worry.
Vali activated the gauntlet and was about to attack Naruto.
Naruto: Don't even try, you won't succeed.
Vali: even though I want to fight you, Ophis has already left the Khaos Brigade and only I know about it.
Naruto: so what?
Vali: There were those in the Khaos Brigade who used this organization for their own purposes, and if they find out that Ophis left everything because of a human, they doubt that they will leave it idle.
Naruto: I don't care call everyone, I'll grind them to powder.
Vali: well then I will tell you when they are ready, against you I have no chance but it will be interesting to fight against them.
Naruto: that's how it is, let's make a bet whoever kills the most wins.
Vali: what will be the reward?
Naruto: me and Azazel will make the evolution of your mechanism.
Vali: evolution?  And what does it mean?
Naruto: In short, you will become stronger than before.
Vali: Seriously?!  Can I beat Great Red?
Naruto: it already depends on you, if you have a strong will, then you will become stronger, if you lose, then the white dragon swallowed you.
Vali: I agree!  I will send you a letter, you will see it immediately.
Vali disappeared into the magic circle
Azazel: Are we sure we can do it?  It's fine to create, but even I don't know what to do here to evolve the original "Longinus".
Sizrekh: I think Ajuka can help you, he recently wanted to join you, but didn't know how to say it after what he said to Azazel.
Naruto: What did he say?
Azazel: he said that I'm crazy who wants to create the impossible.
Naruto: Well, I agree with him here.
Azazel: what?!  I thought you were on my side!
Naruto: but you have really crazy ideas.  So we got it right, sign this contract already and disperse.
Naruto: what's the matter Asia-chan?
Asia: There is a huge inscription in the sky!
Naruto: what?!
The sky was written "Today at 17:00, in Antarctica"
naruto: fuck you... Asia-chan I guess I'm going to be late for dinner tonight.
Asia: No, you're not going anywhere!
Naruto: what?!  But why?
Asia: Last time you stopped paying attention to me, I just want some affection.
Naruto: ... After this is over, I promise I won't separate from you.
Asia: Promise?
Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki doesn't waste words.
17:00 Antarctica
Naruto: Why couldn't they have chosen a better place?!
Waoi: they decided it themselves, it's not my fault.
Naruto: Who is the woman with the cat ears anyway?
??????: I am Nekoshou, a rare species of Nekomata and my name is Kuroka Tojo.
Naruto: Tojo?  Isn't that Koneko's last name.
Kuroka: so you know my little sister?!
Naruto: we are in the same club with her, but where are the opponents?
Vali: there will be an army of 1000 soldiers from the hero faction and their leader Cao Cao, he has a true "Longinus"
Naruto: interesting, can't wait to fight him
Naruto: Is that all?!  This is not even a warm-up, I only killed 546.
Wali: 324...
Kuroka: 65
Biko: 65
Naruto: yes!  I won!  Where is their leader?  I want to fight him.
Cao Cao: So it was you who challenged the Khaos Brigade and I see you alone.
Vali: there is no point in being with you anymore, Ophis already got what she wanted, so she no longer needs the "Khaos Brigade"
Cao Cao: pathetic traitors, are you the person who wants to fight me?
Naruto: stop talking, show me your power!
Naruto started a battle in taijutsu where he was inferior to Cao Cao, after 5 minutes both separated from each other
Naruto: you're good at close combat.
Cao Cao: I must admit that you are strong, you don't often see such...
Vali lunged at Cao Cao with the Fission Balance Breaker, Cao Cao parried the blow and cut Vali's chest with his spear.
Naruto: don't move now...
Cao Cao: Not so fast.
Cao Cao charged at Naruto with a spear in his hand.
Naruto: The World!
Everyone except Naruto froze in place, Naruto created arms out of chakra and attacked Cao Cao with 8 Rasengan.  When time resumed its course, Cao Cao flew far away from them with serious injuries.
Cao Cao: what the hell happened...
Cao Cao passed out from the pain while Naruto repaired Vali's wound.
Vali: is this the end?
Naruto: yes, I didn't want to end it like this, but he could have killed you, and I can't bring the dead back to life.
Vali: what are you going to do with him?
Naruto: he is still alive, I will restore his body and his comrades will take him away from here.
Vali: Biko, Kuroka, let's go.

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