Chapter 7

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Naruto appeared next to her retinue, Rias hugged him tightly.
Rias: Kra we did it!  You saw we defeated the immortal!
Naruto: yes I saw it, you all did a good job.
Issei: thank you, thanks to you I'm stronger than before.
Koneko: yes, our pervert did a good job.
Issei: hey stop calling me a pervert!
Kiba: We wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for Asia.
Akeno: yes she helped us a lot, we couldn't have done it without her.
Asia: what are you, I just cured you.
Rias: It's hard to believe that we defeated a member of the Phoenix Clan.
Naruto: Apparently he was running out of magic, such regeneration takes a lot of magic.  No wonder he gave up.
Issei: will there be some kind of reward for us or something.
Naruto (whispers): don't worry, you'll get that book I talked about.
Issei got a nosebleed when he started imagining scenes from this book.
Rias: what did you say to him?
Naruto: It doesn't matter now let's go back.
Raiser: Wait, I want revenge.
Rias: Raiser, deal with it already, you lost and there will be no wedding.
Raiser: I'm definitely not going to lose this time, I just relaxed and won't repeat that mistake.
Lord Phoenix: enough riser, don't be embarrassed to admit defeat anymore.
Rias: Lord Phoenix-sama.
Phoenix Lord: Excuse my son, we'll leave right away.
Naruto: It's not necessary, I would like to fight against him.
Everyone was surprised by his statement, even Raiser did not expect this.
Asia: Naruto-san is very strong, I don't want anything to happen to you.
Naruto: Don't worry Asia, I want it myself.  Besides, if I lose I will train him the same way I trained them, if I win I want to face Phoenix.
Raiser: what are you talking about, this bird lived a long time ago and it is no longer in this world.
Naruto: It's none of your business, I know Phoenix is ​​still alive and I want to fight him.
Phoenix Lord: Okay, now I want to see what you can do.
Naruto: fine, I will fight against his entire retinue and against him.
Rias: listen i know you are very strong but there are very few of them to fight alone with the whole retinue.
Sisrekh: I'm very interested to see him in combat.
Rias: brother what are you doing here and my parents are also here why?
Venelana: We wanted to see if you could beat someone with combat experience and we are very surprised by your victory.
Rias: so you didn't believe in me?
Zeoticus: that's not the point, the exhibition fight is no joke, strength and tact are needed here.  For a first fight, defeating someone like Phoenix is ​​a very good result.
Naruto: Fine, I'm ready.
Grayfia: In that case, I'll ask the others to leave the battlefield and watch the next game.  Uzumaki Naruto's next fight is against Riser Phoenix.
Naruto: I won't drag out the game, so I'll finish everything quickly.
He started walking towards the garden to be seen.  Naruto jumped back to prevent the explosion spheres from hitting him, spotting Raiser Queen Yubelluna in the sky.
Jubelluna: You're fast enough, but you can't beat us all.
Naruto: everyone?
Jubelluna landed on the ground and the rest of her retinue stood nearby.
Naruto: what a cutie, it's a pity to beat you, so I'll do without my fists.
Revel: don't look down on us just because we are girls...
She didn't finish as the girls around her lay unconscious on the ground.
Revel: w-what did you do to them, hey wake up.
Naruto: no use, they won't wake up soon.
Revel: why didn't I get under your attack?
Naruto: Why?  Just because you're so cute and I couldn't afford it.
Revel's face was as red as a tomato.
Revel: Shut up, I don't need your compliments.
However, naruto was no longer there, heard how their base exploded.  Something flew past her at great speed and destroyed several trees, he was not in the best condition, his arms were missing and his body was covered with cuts.  For the first time Revel saw him so wounded, behind her she heard a man's voice.
Naruto: I expected more from your brother.
Revel: Brother!
She ran up to him and gave him Phoenix Tears.
Raiser: Thanks, now get out of here, he's too dangerous for you.
Revel: no, I will also sit down, I'm your elephant and my duty is to protect the king.
Naruto: can you put aside the talk we have a fight here, come on show me the power of the legendary phoenix.
Riser threw a fireball at him and ran towards him, Naruto deflecting the fireball dodged his fist and grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the ground and punched him in the face.  Revel couldn't move as she was trembling, she met such a strong opponent for the first time and now she sees how he brutally beats her older brother, naruto grabbed his left leg and started throwing him like a toy on the ground and threw him next to Revel.  Naruto slowly approached them with a blue orb in his hand, Revel fell to her knees in front of him and begged him to spare her brother, Naruto was surprised as he had heard that Phoenixes could be arrogant.  The sphere in his hand became 10 times bigger and he wanted to test the riser if he would accept defeat or see her sister being swallowed by a sphere the size of a 5 story building.
Raiser: I SURRENDER!  Please do not touch her, I admit my defeat!
The orb disappeared and he walked towards the riser, a yellow glow formed in his hand and his wounds healed.
Naruto: Don't worry, I wouldn't hit such a cute girl anyway.
Raiser: What the fuck are you doing to my little sister.
Rias and Raiser's parents and Rias's retinue appeared in the magic circle.
Issei: wow that was something with something!
Kiba: yes, especially how you knocked out almost all of his retinue and suddenly disappeared.
Sisrekh: It was a good fight, I haven't seen attacks like this before.
Naruto: and this is my special technique, those with weak will will faint.
Zeoticus: And I'm assuming you're the only one who can use it?
Naruto: well my descendants will be able to use my technique too.
Phoenix Lord: Since we're talking about descendants, why don't you take my daughter as your wife?
Zeoticus: well then I would also like to marry Rias, how about a harem?
Raiser/Issei: woo!!
Revel and Rias blushed a lot.
Naruto: well.. um.. it was not my plan to create a harem, especially since I already like one girl.
At that, even Koneko was surprised by what was said and Asia was holding back from crying, Rias and Revel felt a pang in their chest but decided to ignore it.
Naruto: ok guys you go home and I'll fight the Phoenix.
Raiser: you're serious now, maybe you beat me but the real phoenix is ​​on another level.
Lord Phoenix: I have no choice, it's part of the deal let's go.  Raiser, Revel, go back to the castle, I'll come back later.
Raiser/Revel: good father/dad.
Naruto: you guys go too, we'll see you tomorrow.  Naruto and the Phoenix Lord appeared near a huge nest where a huge fiery bird was sleeping.
Lord Phoenix: The Phoenix is ​​sleeping now, it is usually difficult to wake the Phoenix as he is very angry when he is awakened during sleep.
Naruto: hey get up!  Can you hear me "Fried Chicken"!
Phoenix opened his eyes in displeasure and saw the one who woke him up during his sleep, and Lord Phoenix had already left because he wanted to live.
Phoenix: how dare you wake me up during my sleep, I will burn you and give you to be eaten by monsters.
Naruto: I came to fight you and see you in action.
Phoenix: What a shame, I killed thousands of people like you.  Do you really think that some person will defeat me.
Naruto: How do you know I'm human?
Phoenix: you have darkness inside and your heart is filled with light, but at the same time you are human.  Talk aside, now I'm going to kill you.
The Phoenix created a huge copy of the sun and threw it at Naruto, he appeared over the Phoenix and threw a huge Rasenshuriken at him. 10,000 chakra needles pierced the body of the Phoenix, but he didn’t care.  the flames and his pupils were horizontal. Naruto appeared in front of him and delivered a blow that knocked the phoenix away and hit with a huge rasengan, the phoenix defended itself with its wings and pushed naruto away. Then it created fire chains that tied naruto, then an explosion occurred that destroyed everything within 5 kilometers, the phoenix  landed on the ground, believing that it was all over, suddenly a fox with 9 tails fell on top of him.  Kurama tied him with his tails, a dark purple sphere formed in his mouth.
Naruto: Tailed Beast Bomb!
There was a huge explosion that engulfed both of them, the Phoenix took off a little and landed near the explosion site, his body was already recovering much longer than before.  From above, he was crushed by clones with a huge rasengan, and Kurama created another tail bomb that was larger than the previous one and fired at the Phoenix, an explosion occurred with a radius of 20 kilometers.  Naruto turned off the kurama cover and moved closer to the crater, the Phoenix flew out from there with serious wounds and created a huge explosion and landed on the ground exhausted.  Naruto slowly walked towards the Phoenix and looked around at what the place had become.
Phoenix: what are you going to do now?  Will you kill me?
Naruto: I won't get anything even if I kill you, I just wanted to test your strength.  You would have resurrected anyway.
Phoenix: I liked this fight, only one creature could leave me in this state.  Triex's dragon of destruction and chaos.
Naruto: Triexa?  I heard that he is dead.
Phoenix: You didn't fight him so you think he's dead.  He is a real monster in the flesh, not knowing pity or mercy.  I died after that incident, and I don't want to fight him again.
Naruto: I wish I could fight him.
Phoenix: you are very brave and strong, there are almost no people like you now.  I will give you the power of the phoenix as a reward for your victory..
The Phoenix created a blue colored fruit with golden wings.
Naruto: What is this strange fruit, should I eat it?
Phoenix: yes, and you will get the ability to regenerate the body in a second and the flame of the phoenix.
Naruto ate the fruit without further ado and complained about its taste.
Naruto: Fu tastes like chicken boiled in juice.
Phoenix: It's okay, now get out of here.
And naruto appeared next to lord phoenix scaring the hell out of him.
Lord Phoenix: how did you end up here?  And what happened, who won?
Naruto: I won and he gave me some chicken flavored fruit.
Lord Phoenix: Doesn't sound very plausible.
Naruto: ok then attack me and my body will heal in a second.
Lord Phoenix created a sword from the flame and cut his neck, instead of blood, the blue flame restored everything.
Lord Phoenix: Unbelievable, this is the first time I've seen anything like this.
Naruto: I mean, my neck has healed, what's unusual?
Lord Phoenix: No, if we cut the neck, it will be cut off, but my cut went through and your head stood still.  You have incredible regeneration.
Naruto: Wow, I'm better than you now.
The phoenix lord had a vein on his forehead but decided to remain silent as he defeated the legendary phoenix.
Naruto: Okay, I've got to go, see you later.
Lord Phoenix: see you later.
In the apartment.
Naruto appeared at the door of the apartment, took off his shoes, noticed that Asia had fallen asleep on the table and carried her into the room in his arms and laid her on the bed.  And he lay down on the sofa in the kitchen.

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