Chapter 4

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Freed was a young man with short white hair and red eyes.  He was dressed in church clothes and had an anxious smile on his face.  He attacked Naruto with a sword, the blade of the sword was covered in white light.  Naruto easily dodged his attacks, he hit him in the stomach with his right hand knocking the oxygen out of his lungs, and with his left hand he hit him in the face sending him flying into the wall.
Freed: You're strong for a demon, but I have something for you.
He took out a pistol and fired bullets with a covered light.  Naruto suddenly disappeared, appearing from behind with a blue orb in his hand.
Naruto: Rasengan.
Naruto came out of the crater with a Rasengan.
Naruto: Asia are you okay?
Asia stood surprised at what just happened.
Asia: Naruto-san you are so strong.
Naruto: oh you're embarrassing me but we better get out of here he might have allies.
Asia: But where are we going?
Naruto: let's buy a house then
Asia: house but it won't be expensive?
Naruto: don't worry with my clan seal we can do anything.
Asia: OK, but don't buy too expensive.
Naruto: Okay, now let's go.
Naruto: I don't understand why you didn't like anything.
Asia: Of course I understand that you can clone, but I'm not used to living like this, it's better to live in an apartment.
Naruto decided to just give up because he was just tired and wanted to rest.
Naruto: ok, I'll go grocery shopping then, turn on the barrier?
Asia: don't worry naruto-san nothing will happen to me.
Naruto: ok, but then hold this, put some magic into this paper and I will appear next to you.
Asia: okay.
Naruto left the apartment and went to the mall.
Asia heard that there was a knock on the door and went to open it, when she opened the door the woman hit Asia in the stomach.
Asia: What... - she said before losing consciousness.
When Naruto returned to the apartment, he did not find Asia.
Naruto: Damn where did she go, did that crazy guy kidnap her.
Kurama: calm down naruto
Naruto: how can i calm down when my girlfriend disappeared.
Kurama: you've more or less recovered, use senjutsu so you can find her faster.
Naruto silently sat in the lotus position and after 5 minutes the skin around the eyes turned orange and the pupils became vertical.
Naruto sensed 5 beings with a dark aura nearby, and many beings with a dark and white aura.
Naruto immediately realized that 1 were demons and 2 were fallen.
Naruto headed towards the church he was already in, he felt 5 demons there but he didn't care now he wanted to save Asia.
When he entered the church, he saw what he did not want, Asia was already dead and the woman with black hair was laughing like crazy.
Raynar: I finally have her Sacred Gear, I'm invincible now.  Suddenly, she crashed into the wall with a hole in her stomach, and in her place stood a tall blond with blond hair and blue eyes.
The demons were not focused on him, because they could feel the demonic power from this guy.
Naruto: hey you, he was talking to a girl with crimson hair.
Rias: what do you want?
Naruto: Can you help her?
Rias: why should i help her
Naruto: why are you here then?
Rias: this is none of your business.
naruto: save her anyway, i'll help you later
Rias(💭): he looks very strong, it can help me get rid of my marriage.
Rias: ok but first we have to return the Sacred Gear to her and then I'll figure it out just bring that fallen one here.
Naruto: ok
Raynar managed to recover during all this time.
Raynar: who the hell are you
Naruto: It doesn't matter, now the main thing is to defeat you
He abruptly appeared in front of her, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to the ground.
Naruto: now let's see how good your power is.
A white sphere appeared in his hand, around which blades appeared.
Naruto: Rasen Shuriken!
There was a huge explosion, she barely recovered her wounds but not completely, she lacked more magic and she passed out from exhaustion.  Naruto threw her body next to the rias
Naruto: I'm done.
Rias: w-good, she pulled out the Sacred Gear from Reynar's body and gave it back to the blonde, then she had a chess piece in her arms and entered her body.
Asia: what happened - said wearily.
Naruto hugged her tightly.
Naruto: I'm sorry I failed to protect you again.
Asia: I'm fine now, let's go back to the apartment, I'm so tired.
Naruto: ok and thanks for saving her, how can i help you.
Rias: ok, come to kuoh academy tomorrow i will explain the details.
Naruto took Asia in his arms and deported to the apartment, putting her down and went to sleep on the couch.  In the morning they went to Kuoh Academy.
Naruto: (it's lucky that the old man hammered information about this world into my head)
Kurama: knowing you, I would have done the same.
Naruto: (What do you mean?)
Kurama: It would take you a whole year to get used to this world.
Naruto: Oh everyone, go to sleep.
Asia: Naruto-san!
Naruto: ahh what's the matter
Asia: I've been talking to you for 4 minutes, but you didn't listen.
Naruto: Sometimes it happens, don't worry just hit me and I'll come to my senses.
Asia: we have already reached, look.
Both saw that most of the students were walking into the huge building, and it seemed that there were more girls than boys.  On the way, they caught the eyes of girls and boys.  Naruto gave the boys a look that told them not to stare at her, Asia just ignored the looks of the boys.
At the academy, they were met by a bespectacled girl with black short hair and blue eyes, her name was Sona Sitri, she was the student council president.  Standing next to her was a girl with long black hair and yellow eyes, she was the Vice President of the Student Council.
Sona: who are you, you are not on the list of students.
Naruto: I'm Naruto Uzumaki, me and my girlfriend came to the girl with red hair.
Asia: I'm Asia Argento, yes, she said yesterday that she would be waiting for us here.
Sona(💭): what are you thinking rias
Sona: Yes, I can take you to her, but you don't study here, so you are not allowed to enter.
Naruto noticed yesterday's girl with red hair
Naruto: hey, help your girlfriend don't let us in
Rias: oh they finally came, sona let them through
Sona: no, let them draw up the documents and study here, then I will skip them.
Rias: I already completed everything and now they are students of this academy.
Naruto: whatoo, i mean i have to study again.
Naruto was already turning around and preparing to run, but Rias held his hand.
Rias: no you promised to help me, it's needed so you can help me.
Naruto: Noooo, I hate studying and I have a lot of money I won't be wasted.  Sona: No, since you're a member of this academy now, you're not going anywhere.
Naruto: nooo, someone save me.
In the council chamber
Sona: This guy is so noisy, but I'm surprised he managed to pass the test and score 100/100.
Tsubaki: He is also very strong, Rias is interested in him for a reason.
Sona: I wonder if he can beat me at chess.
Tsubaki: Did you like him.
Tsuyuaki noticed that her president's cheeks were turning a little pink.
Sona: No, I just want to fight him.
At the occult research club
Naruto: I forgot to ask your name yesterday.
Rias: Well my name is Rias Gremory and I am the heiress of the Gremory clan.
Akeno: I'm Akeno Himejima, I'm the rias queen
Koneko: I'm Koneko Tojo, I'm the riasa rook
Kiba: I'm Yuuto Kiba, I'm a rias horse.
Issei: you already know me I'm Issei Hyoudou, I'm a rias pawn
Naruto: I'm Naruto Uzumaki
Asia: Astya Argento
Rias: naruto sure you know about demons like this girl.
Naruto: Well, to be honest, not really.
Rias sighed and explained everything about factions, demons, fallen ones and angels.  She told about 4 leaders of the underworld and archangels.
Naruto: ok, but I can help.
Rias didn't have time to speak as a magic circle with the symbol of the phoenix appeared in the room.
????  : Oh my dear Rias must have missed me while living in the human world.
Rias: what are you doing here Riser Phoenix.

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