Chapter 9

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Kiba wandered the streets in the rain.
Kiba: Have I forgotten that I swore to destroy the sacred Excalibur.  It's all because I've immersed myself in my school life, my friends, my life, my name... I got all this thanks to the owner, Rias Gremory.  I have no right to ask for more until I avenge my comrades, I have to live so that they...?!
Kiba blocked the attack from behind, it was a freed with his typical smile.
Fried: how many years, how many winters.
Kiba: Freed Selzen so you're still hiding in this town.
Freed: Is something wrong?  Are you unwell?  I am so happy to meet you that I shed a tear!
Kiba: ...that sword!
Freed: Which is stronger: my Excalibur or your demonic sword?  Let's check?
At Rias' house
Naruto: Holy sword project?
Rias: A few years ago, there was a project that raised children to master Excalibur.  Yuuto is the only survivor.
Asia: Did the church do something like that?  Hear it for the first time.
Rias: The Sacred Sword is a weapon that can slay a demon... I heard that those who can wield it are born once every few decades.  Issei's holy gear is one of Longinus' weapons, the one who executed Jesus Christ also wielded a holy gear... This holy gear is known as the "Longinus Spear" so the word "Longinus" was borrowed from there.
Naruto: Longin...
Rias: Yuuto is one of those who were taught how to wield the holy sword.  And most likely Excalibur.
Naruto: So Kiba is able to use the holy sword?
Rias: No, he can't do it.  At the training center, test subjects like Yuta who were unable to use holy swords were treated as "defects" and simply destroyed...
Asia: destroyed... It can't be... For God's servants to do something like that.
Rias: those saints who call us the spawn of Satan... I think they are the most evil.  Before I resurrected Yuuto as a demon, he was dying all mumbling about his revenge, due to his ability with swords, he was used from birth.  And I thought if he were a demon, his skills would be very useful, but his obsession with holy swords is just a waste of talent.  He could never forget about the holy swords or those people from the church.
Naruto: Now I understand why he hates them so much.
Rias: For a while, I tried to look after him, but now his head is full of thoughts only about this... It would be nice if Yuuto became himself again.
Rias took off her shirt and told them to go to bed.
Naruto: For.. Why undress?!
Rias: What, you know I can't sleep with my clothes on!
Naruto: No, no!  I'm talking about something else, why undress in my room?
Rias: obviously.  We'll go to bed together.
Asia: No!  I'm his wife so I'm the only one who can sleep in the same bed with him!
Rias: what!  When you managed to become his wife, you still did not agree.
Asia: From now on, I am his wife, and Naruto-san, I agree.
Naruto happily pulled her into his arms.
Naruto: Well, there's nothing to be done, the spouses should sleep together, I'm afraid you will be superfluous.
Rias: what!  Actually, I’m also his future wife, he signed the contract.
Naruto/Asia: What?
Naruto: What contract did I sign?  I don't really remember.
Rias: remember after the game, my father gave you papers and told you to sign.
Naruto: What!  He said that with the help of this contract, I will become an ally of the Gremory clan.
Rias: the fact of the matter is that you are our ally and my future husband.
Naruto noticed a satisfied smirk on Rias' face and a depressive aura on Asia.
Naruto: you know, I'll take a little walk, I'll be back late.
Rias/Asia: stop!
Naruto was no longer in the room, he appeared in the park where he met Issei with some girl, the girl had crimson waist-length hair and pink eyes.  She had a distinct and curvaceous figure with huge firm breasts and impressive buttocks.  Naruto noticed how they were talking and it seemed to him that they were a couple, after seeing how they said goodbye Naruto appeared next to him, startling him.
Issei: where the hell did you come from?
Naruto: It doesn't matter now what matters is who this girl is.
Issei: she's my friend, why?
Naruto: not like a simple acquaintance, more like your girlfriend.
Issei blushed at his words and looked the other way.
Naruto: I knew you liked her!
Issei: don't cry, i like her but i don't know how to tell her.  Suddenly she doesn't feel the same way about me and sees me as just a good friend.
Naruto: Hmm, I have an idea.  Let's try to see if she'll be jealous of you.
Issei: jealous?  But where do we get the girl, I doubt the president will agree, Koneko chan doesn't love me, you will kill me if I go near Asia, Akeno san scares me.
Naruto: then let me, I can turn into a girl.
Issei looked at him in shock.
Issei: are you a transvestite!?
Naruto: no fool, I'm a guy but I can turn into a girl, so you agree.
Issei: ok, let's just not tell anyone about this.
Naruto: Naturally, there are so many rumors about you, so see you tomorrow.
Issei: See you.
Rias: Naruto-kun, where are you going?
Naruto: I'm leaving on business, I'll be back in the evening.
Asia: ok, but after you get back, let's sleep together.
Naruto: Alright Asia, I'm off.
In the mall.
Naruto noticed Issei with yesterday's girl, and used the henge to turn himself into a girl, Naruko had two long pigtails on which there were hairpins in the form of a star, a heart and an abadok with purple horns on her head, and a mustache on her face like a cat, three each  on each cheek.  She wore an orange jacket and an orange skirt with a front zip, she had a belt with "Uzumaki" printed on her waist, her jacket was completely open showing her huge breasts, and under the jacket she wore a black T-shirt with "Namikaze" written on it.  Issei's jaw dropped at what he saw, he expected him to wear a wig and walk around in women's clothes, but it was beyond his expectation for a moment he forgot that she was a guy, all this to test the girl he fell in love with.
Naruko: Issei-kun long time no see.
Issei(💭): He even has a female voice.
Issei: long time no see, um...
Naruto: Naruto!  How could you forget my name issei kun
Tears began to form in her eyes.
Issei: I'm sorry Naruko-chan, now I want to introduce you to my friend.
Mio: Nice to meet you, I'm Mio Naruse.
Naruko: nice to meet you, I'm Naruko Uzumaki.
Mio: listen, this is just my opinion, but it seems you have a very open look, that is, you attract a lot of attention.
Naruko: It's okay, I know Issei kun likes girls with revealing clothes, isn't it Issei kun.
She said the last phrase hugging his left hand and specially pressed them to her chest.  Issei felt their size, and now he was trying not to lose consciousness, he had already begun to fall in love with her, and Mio did not like what she was doing and wanted her to quickly let go of his hands.
Mio: I think Issei is not comfortable, so you can let him go.
Naruto: Are you jealous?  Oh, I'm afraid I won't be able to let him go.
Mio: That's why!
Naruko laid his head on her chest and smiled cheekily at her.
Naruko: because I love him since we were kids.  And I'm not going to give it to you.
Issei (blushing): s-so I guess we should decide where we're going.
Naruko: oh let's go to KFC, I'm really hungry.
Mio: I also got hungry while arguing with her.
Issei saw that a spark flew between them, but what is there a spark, lightning!  At KFC, Naruko started feeding Issei to make her even more pissed off, and she succeeded, she could see from her face that she didn't want girls other than her to hang out with him.
Mio: hey Issei is not small, can eat by himself.
Naruko: no no no, as his future wife I have to feed my husband.
Mio/Issei: Wife?!
Naruko: yes, in the future we will have many kids with him, I even came up with names for all of them.
Mio: what, you're completely stunned, you won't marry him.
Naruto: and why can't I marry him.
Mio: because he will marry whom.  And I know that he would never marry someone like you.
Naruko: well then, we'll ask him, Issei kun, tell me would you marry me.
Naruto winked at him.
Issei: yes of course, you are very beautiful, kind and smart.  You are the dream of every guy and I would marry you in the future.
Mio wanted to cry after these words, but restrained herself because she did not want Issei to see her weak, she would like to tell Issei that she loves him, but his girlfriend constantly interfered.  They walked towards the exit of the mall where Naruko said goodbye to them.
Mio: Issei, we need to talk.
Issei: talk?  About what?
Mio: listen Issei we met recently and became good friends.  I didn't believe love at first sight existed until I fell in love myself.  Issei Hyoudou I love you, not as a friend but as a girl loves a guy, I wanted to ask if you would be my boyfriend.  If not, then I...
She couldn't finish because Issei pulled her into his arms.
issei: you know, i started to feel the same way about you after we met.
issei: damn even matsuda got a girlfriend so she's so cute and her breasts are big damn i still go without a girlfriend.
Issei ran into a girl who seemed to be in a hurry to somewhere that she didn’t even notice him, when he saw her he remembered that she was his classmate’s girlfriend, he noticed her white panties because of which he blushed, she noticed that she called a pervert and ran away.  Now he had to rush to the manga store where a new chapter of the manga about "Dragon ball Super" was released, when he entered he noticed two things that upset him, the first is a long queue, and the second is later he met a girl there whom he encountered recently and she was behind  him.  He was embarrassed because of what happened and he decided to make friends with her because they both loved the same manga, they very quickly found a common language and did not notice how it was their turn while they were talking, the last volume of the manga remained and now he had the choice to give  her or keep it.  He decided to act like a real gentleman and gave her a place despite the fact that she refused, saying goodbye to her, he went for groceries for the house, and on the back he noticed that she was surrounded by three men, they were drunk by their behavior, which angered Issei more  the fact that they molested and pawed her body.  Issei dealt with them without any problems because recently he fought against a member of the Phoenix clan and they were nothing compared to him, she thanked him and was about to go down the stairs where she tripped and fell on someone, opening her eyes saw that it was Issei thanked times  hundred in his opinion.  That day, they couldn't sleep properly, they thought about each other all night, which caused them to fall asleep during the lesson at the academy.
End Flashback
Issei: I love you Mio Naruse, I want you to be my girlfriend!
She pressed closer to him, and tears of happiness flowed down her face, she was happy that her feelings were mutual and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.
Issei: Mio-chan, it's already dark outside let me walk you home.
Mio: Of course I don't mind Issei-kun.
In front of Naruse's house.
Mio: Thank you Issei-kun.
Issei: you are always welcome, with you I am ready to go to the ends of the world.
Mio: oh that's so cute, but now i want to do something.
Issei: what is it?
She walked up to him and kissed him, the kiss was short but it meant a lot to Issei, he stood until she called out to him.
Mio: See you Issei-kun, see you tomorrow.
Issei: See you soon Mio-chan.
Issei had already gone far from her house and Naruto appeared next to him.
Naruto: Congratulations, you now have a girlfriend.
issei: thank you, but i wonder how you made a female voice and where do you get breasts from?
Naruto: this is my technique, with this technique I can change my appearance and voice and clothes were also affected by the henge.
issei: but it was too believable, i was expecting some kind of wig and women's dress.
Naruto: it doesn't matter now, you also noticed that she is a demon.
Issei: of course I noticed, I think she also realized that I am a demon and now she is thinking how to say about it.
Naruto: for a normal demon she is very strong, I think you need to be more careful with her.  Otherwise, the elders can write her into someone's harem.
Issei: i wont let that happen, i will kill those old people if they do something like that.
Naruto: calm down, the main thing is that high-class demons don't notice her, otherwise no one will touch her.
Issei: I think my parents are already worried about me until we meet Naruto.
Naruto: ok, I'm sure the girls are worried about me too, see you Issei.

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