Chapter 2

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Hello my name Ykkero, and its my first job. Don't judge strictly

Naruto: Where am I.

Kurama: I don't know, but I remember that we were swallowed by a strange portal.

Hagaromo: I can explain what happened.

Kurama: Father, how did you end up here.

Naruto: Old man, what are you doing here?

Kurama: More respect for the brat, he's much older than you

Hagaromo: Kurama does not need formalities

Hagaromo: This portal opened because of your techniques

Naruto: What do you mean?

Kurama: Father says the portal opened because of you two

Hagaromo: After the collision, a hole appeared in space that swallowed you up.

Naruto: Aah, that's how it is, and what happened to the other.

Hagaromo: They're fine, but the eternal tsukiyomi hasn't been canceled yet

Naruto: Damn, and how to cancel the technique.

Hagaromo: I will be able to cancel the eternal tsukiyomi, but for this it is necessary that Sasuke also agreed

Kurama: Father, where will Naruto get to when he comes out of the portal?

Naruto: By the way, where does this portal really lead?

Hagaromo: This portal will send you to another change, there may be gods stronger than me.

Both were surprised by what the sage said

Naruto: Wow, I was wondering about this other dimension

Kurama: But naruto what are you going to do with your old world.

Naruto: I do not know Kurama, but I cannot go back.

Hagaromo: Don't worry, I'll try to convince Sasuke to cancel the eternal tsukiyomi.

Naruto: Well, then tell him that Naruto asks to cancel the technique.

Hagaromo: OK, wait a bit it will take some time.

30 minutes later

Naruto: Why is it taking so long, it seems to me that an eternity has passed.

Kurama: Shut up, it's only been half an hour.

Naruto: Kurama, can you count? - asked surprised

Kurama: Unlike you, I know the history of the Shinobi world.

Hagaromo: I'm back and I have good news.

Naruto: Wow come on don't keep me waiting it's interesting.

Hagaromo: 1. Sasuke and I canceled the eternal tsukiyomi, 2. He gave you his Rinnegan and Mangyoke Sharingan.

Naruto: It's cool that everyone is free, but I'm surprised that he gave his power.

Kurama: I hope you won't become like him because of sharingan

Naruto: Old man, I already want to go to this new world.

Hagaromo: All right Naruto good luck to you in the new world

Naruto/Kurama: goodbye old man/Father.

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