Chapter 11

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No, I didn't forget about the fanfic or died, I just went abroad on urgent business and now I'm back.

All-Naruto: Seriously!
Issei: where the hell have you been!
Saji: would have come early if he could beat him!
Naruto: If I didn't remember about Asia, I would forget about you.
Rias: what do you mean forgot!  I'm your wife too!
Issei: wow!  When did you get married?
Naruto: It doesn't matter, the main thing is that it's over.
Sona: Rias, you should check on your servant.
Rias: he is not my servant, he doesn't want to obey anyone but Asia.
Sona: that's how it is, well then I'll take it for myself.
Rias: you can try, I'll just laugh at you.
Sona approached Naruto from behind and tried to insert a chess piece into his back, the piece flew out of there, she tried to insert the mutated parts which again couldn't make him a demon.
Sona: yes, how much power he has, even if he defeated Kokabiel, the mutated parts should be enough.
Rias: I also tried many times, so you can forget about it.
Naruto: By the way, where is the blue haired girl?  She must now become a demon.
Xenovia: I'm here and my name is Xenovia, ok I'll become a demon for all honesty.
Irina: hey wait, you can't leave the church, you're also an exorcist.
Xenovia: You yourself heard that God is dead, so there is no need to stay in the church.
Naruto hugged her from behind making her blush.
Xenovia: What are you doing!?
Naruto: what?  You will now be in our club, I just welcome you.
Kiba: by the way Naruto thanks for coming, we couldn't have done it without you.  And it surprises me that you're not surprised to know that God is dead.
Naruto: hmm well I never believed in him.
Asia: how so you are a good person, how can you say that.
Naruto: Asia, calm down, even if he were alive, nothing would change.
Rias: ok if everyone of course let's go...
A huge column of light appeared near Freed's body.  From there came a creature covered in white armor and blue wings, he attacked Naruto who was already standing behind him.
????: good speed, apparently you defeated Kokabiel.
Naruto: Thanks for the compliment, yes I'm the one who defeated that goblin.
????: goblin?  But why did you completely destroy his body, I'm sure Azazel will be dissatisfied.
Naruto: Azazel?  He seems to be one of the leaders of Gregory.
????: yes, when he finds out what you did with Kokabiel, he will come to you, and I need to pick up Frid.
The armored creature disappeared just as it had appeared.
Naruto: I wonder what this Azazel is.
Rias: Naruto kun don't take it lightly, Azazel is much stronger than Kokabiel and I don't think he will stand by and watch you hit him.
Naruto: Don't worry, I'm not going to fight him, just chat.
issei: ok now let's go home, i'm already tired of all this.
Saji: I agree with him, we deserve a rest.
Rias: ok but first Kiba will get his punishment.  1000 slaps in the ass.
Kiba turned pale after her words, but there was nowhere to go, he had already killed that priest and avenged his comrades, now he can spend time with his friends as before.
The next day.
Naruto tried to carefully crawl out of bed so as not to wake the girls, he succeeded and now he was preparing breakfast.  Rias and Asia woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs.  When they went down, they saw a table laid with a dream breakfast.  Two scrambled eggs and bacon, scrambled eggs were in the form of eyes and bacon in the mouth.  Also on the table were pancakes with berries and maple syrup, the berries were strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, and orange juice in glasses.
Naruto: Good morning girls.
Asia/Rias: Good morning Naruto-san/Naruto-kun.
Naruto: wash your face first, breakfast won't go anywhere.
After breakfast.
Rias: ah that was delicious.
Asia: To be honest, this is the first time I have breakfast like this.
Naruto got up and walked to the door from the house, and opened it before someone pressed the bell.
Naruto: I guess you are the Azazel I heard about.
Azazel: I didn't know that I became very famous that even a person knows me.
Naruto: How do you know?
Azazel: Unlike your friends, I can distinguish a human from a demon, you only have dark energy inside and light outside, but people have a blue aura, only high-level demons can notice this.
Naruto: Come on in, we still have some food left for you.
Azazel: If you don't mind let's go.  I just didn't have breakfast today.
In the kitchen.
Rias: why the hell did you bring him here!
Naruto: what's wrong?  He's good, I like him.
Azazel: See Satan's sister, even he thinks I'm kind.
Rias: Naruto he is one of the leaders of the Fallen and we are enemies with the Fallen.
Naruto: oh that's okay, I'll answer myself if there are problems.
Azazel: you see, he is ready to bear the responsibility for me, although I still would not touch you.
Rias: ok but if anything happens you will be punished.
Naruto: ok, you can go, I'll catch up with you later.
Asia: okay Naruto-san
Rias: ok see you.
Naruto: see you girls.
When they were alone Naruto pulled out a beer and snacks.
Naruto: Well, sit down, what did ei want to talk about?
Azazel: it came to my ears that you were able to single-handedly defeat Kokabiel.
Naruto: Well, that's the way it is, something's not right.
Azazel: No, I just didn't expect a human to be able to do that without a Sacred Gear.
Naruto: Sacred Gear, only I don't have one.
Azazel: Actually, I don't either, I came to you about this.  Sacred mechanisms were created by God and no one thought to create something like this after his death, I asked Ajuka Beelzebub for help, but he flatly refused to do so, saying that it was not possible.
Naruto: what are you suggesting?
Azazel: I want to create an "Alliance" between us so that we can support each other and help with the implementation of ideas.
Naruto: I wonder what I will get from this?
Azazel: We will create our own Sacred Gears and you will get your own Sacred Gear too.
Naruto: Damn, you can zinterize if you want.  I'm in!
Azazel: excellent, it should be noted
Naruto: I agree there is a nice bar and booze at my expense.
Naruto came home at 5 am and he was not sober by his condition.  They dragged him to the academy by force and in the club he had to get two thousand slaps on the ass.
Naruto: Oh damn, why are you doing this to me?
Rias: why?  You came in drunk at five in the morning and you vomited right on me, you don’t care.
Asia: Naruto-san don't do that anymore, you made me worry.
Naruto: I'm sorry Asia, I won't do that again.. Probably.
Issei: it's hard to believe that someone like you drinks.
Naruto: Nothing weird, I'm almost 18 so it's fine.
Kiba: Look, a new restaurant has just opened here, maybe we can all go there together.
Naruto: I'm in, Issei, take your girlfriend and let's go.
Most of the people in the room looked at Issei.
Issei: Naruto, you can't just say things like that!
All-Naruto, Issei: you have a girlfriend!
Issei: yes i have a girlfriend, why shout something like that.
Kiba: just unexpected to hear that someone like you has a girlfriend.
Issei: what does it mean for someone like me?
Koneko: you're a big pervert, it's strange that a girl looked at you at all, you kind of wanted to become a harem king.
Issei: that's in the past, right now I just want to make her happy.
Rias: well let's go Xenovia you are going too.
Xenovia: ok, I just got hungry.
Naruto: listen, did you eat at the cafe after that incident?
Xenovia: To be honest, I have been going without food for 3 years now.
Naruto: well then move in with us, Rias' house has plenty of space and enough food for 4.
Rias: hey i didn't give consent.
Naruto: don't be so harmful, you see, she's been without food for 3 years, it's a pity for her.
Rias: ok, but she won't sleep in your room.
Xenovia: I didn't mean to sleep with him, but thanks for that I owe you.
Naruto: Nothing, let's go to this restaurant already.
Naruto: and why didn't you say that it's in the outskirts of the city, it's also built in front of the cemetery.
Issei: no wonder no one is here, it's kind of creepy.
Naruto: but the outside of the restaurant is beautiful.
At the restaurant.
Naruto: is there anyone here?
????: hello, I'm glad to welcome you to my restaurant "Traktir" everything here is from Italian cuisine so have a seat.
After everyone sat down, Naruto, Rias, Asia, Xenovia sat down at the first table, Kiba, Koneko, Akeno, Issei, Mio sat down at the second table.
Naruto: listen are you a foreigner?
????: Sir, I'm Italian, my name is Tonio Trusardi, just call me Tonio.
Issei: so we can try some real italian food?
Tonio: I travel all over the world and study the cuisines of different countries.  Kuoh is a wonderful place where I can get fresh vegetables and the gifts of this city are just wonderful.
Rias: Very interesting, but you can look at the menu.
Tonio: menu?  I do not have such.
Issei: what does that mean?  Every restaurant has a menu to order food.
Tonio: I don't need it, I can determine what the client wants just by touching it.
Issei: can you try on me?
Without further ado, Tonio took Issei's hand and started running his finger along the back of Issei's hand.
Tonio: Did you have diarrhea yesterday?  Your bowels are irritated, you haven't slept for more than four hours, you have a fungus on your leg and two bad teeth and stiffness in your shoulder.
Issei: how did you do that?  Are you a wang?
Tonio: I'll bring something that might help you.
Tonio went into the kitchen leaving them dumbfounded.
Naruto: hey what about our orders?!
Issei: wow what kind of water is this, never drank better water in my life.
Xenovia: I understand that you are hungry, but to say that the water is delicious is nonsense.
Issei: try it yourself it's amazing
Xenovia: it’s really very tasty, the water is very good, I wonder where he got it.
Issei: I have tears in my eyes.
Mio: Issei-kun, don't cry over something like that.
Issei: do you have napkins?  Tears are flowing, everything is flowing and flowing does not stop.
Tears began to flow like a waterfall.
All-Issei: Issei!
Naruto: Issei, the white part of your eyeballs is shrinking.
Tonio: Momento, please calm down.
Kiba: you bastard what did you do to him?!
Tonio: his eyeballs are only for a while, it's mineral water from Africa's Kilimanjaro, it's 500 years of melted snow.  Washes and cleanses the eyes, relieving the effects of insomnia.
Issei: guys!  Like 10 hours of sleep!  I feel awesome.
Tonio: Here's a starter, mozzarella and tomato salad.
Naruto: Issei, your eyes.. Are you sure you're okay?
Issei: not just ok, it's better than ever.
Kiba: but you know, it was very strange, so many tears, like a stream.
Issei: It doesn't matter, hey Tonio, what's the name of this salad?
Tonio: mozzarella and tomatoes.
Issei: thanks we'll try it now
He stuck the cheese on his fork and put it in his mouth.
Issei: well, not bad, I probably haven't tasted it yet, but this cheese is somehow not very tasty.
Tonio: no no, you have to eat the cheese along with the tomato, that's the only way you'll enjoy it.
Issei: some Italians are strange, everything is simpler with us Japanese and ..
Issei had already tasted the cheese with tomatoes and now he could only say one thing.
Issei: this is awesome!
Naruto: hey let me try too.
issei: no, order yourself another one, this is for me and mio chan.
Naruto: Damn, I knew you were greedy, but whatever.  Okay, I'll order myself.
Tonio: I'm afraid that's impossible...
Naruto: what!?  But why?!
Tonio: this dish will only have a beneficial effect on a person who has strained his shoulder.
Issei: pulling his shoulder?  You know, since you mentioned it... My neck feels like it's on fire!  I'm all sweaty.
Tonio: Senor, I strongly advise you to take off your uniform.
Issei took off his uniform and started scratching his neck, the skin of his neck stuck to his fingers.
Issei: AAAAAAAA hey what's that sticking to my fingers!
Tonio: It's... Dirt.
All: dirt?!
Tonio: Yes, it's dirt that has accumulated on the surface of your skin.  What you are experiencing is a sign that your metabolism is speeding up and there is no circulation in that area.  This is because the calcium and vitamins in the mozzarella, tomatoes and my special dressing have stimulated the thyroid in your neck, the thyroid produces hormones that speed up your metabolism.  Already unnecessary skin cells die off, and you rip them off along with the dirt, continue to itch and get rid of this dirt.
Issei: AAAAAAA!  Well, horror, so much tore off!
Kiba: Issei!  Stop scratching, I can already roll them into a ball, your whole shoulder is torn!
Issei: n-no wait Kiba!  I feel light!  It feels like I have balloons together on my shoulders.  Look!  my joints can like this!
Issei stretched his arms up and down behind his back.
Issei: I've never done this before!  My shoulders are perfect!
Tonio: well, sorry, I have to unlearn and check how the pasta is, and I will throw this leather ball in the trash.
Tonio took the leather ball and went into the kitchen.
Issei: this restaurant is awesome!  That Tony is a fucking genius!
Naruto(💭): It can't be... It's fucking weird!  Something is wrong with this food!
Tonio: Now, as a first course, it's... Spaghetti a la Putanesca.
Issei: Is there hot peppers in this spaghetti?
Tonio: Yes, it is present in this dish, the recipe for the sauce used in the preparation of spaghetti A la Putanesca is one of the oldest in Italy.  I was born in Naples, they say that this is the birthplace of this sauce, which is why it is one of my favorite dishes.
Issei: ahh ok but i cant eat spicy food.  I'm not saying it's bad, I just can't stand spicy food, I only eat curry with honey and apples, I can't even eat sushi with wasabi.
Issei decided to try a little, he pulled away from the food before he tasted it.
Issei: ugh!  I can't, it's too hot!
Naruto: If you can't eat because it's spicy, then just not this.
The eyes of both crossed and both were serious.
Tonio: I see, that means you can't stand spicy... But I cook spaghetti so that even people who can't stand spicy food can eat with pleasure.  Well, if you can’t eat, don’t worry, you won’t pay for pasta, and I urgently need to unlearn the kitchen.
issei: he said i don't have to pay for it but... Agh!  Can't be too sharp!  I completely trust Tonio's taste and skill, that cheese with tomatoes was awesome, it's a pity this pasta will go to waste.  Oh right!  He can also make another serving without the hot sauce.
Mio: no Issei kun, I guess you're lucky you can't stand spicy food.
Issei: what?  Why am I lucky that I can't eat it?
Akeno: Look Issei, don't you think this is all weird?  Water, food .. Everything is very suspicious.
Issei: suspicious?  Che?
Kiba: I rolled a healthy ball out of your dead skin!  You cried a whole river!  Don't you find this strange?
Issei: do you think so?  A couple of years ago I was in the hot springs and scraped off so much dirt from my skin, it's normal.
Kiba: okay?!
Naruto: how can you be so careless.
Issei: Suspicious means... Sharp!  Can't eat!
Xenovia: idiot, if it's spicy, put that damn fork on the table already.
Issei: you're right, but... I really want to try this sauce.
Issei tried a little and now he couldn't stop.
Asia: Issei-san why are you eating this?!
issei: you're right, i wouldn't eat anything spicy in my life, but i did it.  I can not stop!  After I tried it, I feel like I'm addicted.
Naruto: Hey stop already!
Issei: damn, i can't get enough!  The more I eat, the more I want to eat!  Awesome!
Naruto: Issei, fuck it!
Issei's tooth fell out of his mouth.
Kiba: a tooth came out of your mouth!
Issei: he has cavities!  That's why he was so sick when I had something cold to drink!  I also have caries on one tooth!
Soon the second tooth also flew out and got stuck on the ceiling.
Koneko: Your tooth is growing back!  Growing at an insane rate!
Naruto: another confirmation!  This is clearly no ordinary food!  A tooth cannot take and grow back instantly!  I don't know what this guy has in mind but... Those spaghetti, there's something wrong with them!
Naruto broke his plate of pasta.
Issei: damn!  There are still so many left!  I wanted to eat!
Naruto: I will return this paste to its original state and see what he put in there.
Pasta ingredients began to return to their previous state, everyone noticed strange creatures in the form of tomatoes among the products.
Issei: motherfucker!  What the hell is this?!  I ate them too.
Rias: but i wonder what did you just do?
Naruto: It doesn't matter, now we need to catch this cook...
Issei: damn, my stomach is starting to hurt!
Naruto: Asia-chan help Issei with his stomach and I'll deal with him.
In the kitchen.
Naruto(💭): That damn Italian Tonio... What's on his mind
Naruto: Looks like the main course is ready.
Naruto heard champing from the room where there was no light.  Coming closer, Naruto saw Tonio feeding the puppy the same food that was on the table, suddenly the intestines began to come out of the puppy's mouth and stomach.
Naruto: what?!
Tonio: you!  What are you doing here?!  You saw it all?!
Tonio threw a knife at him which hit the wall.
Tonio: you came here to sniff and poke your nose into other people's business!  Please don't get ready!
Naruto(💭): That bastard..
Naruto: who the hell are you to say something like "you can't forgive me"?!  Am I supposed to say what are you going to do with all the food?!
Naruto heard Issei trying to eat the dish that was on the table, but his friends were interrupting him.  Rias was about to destroy that food when suddenly Issei pushed everyone away and started eating like an animal.
Naruto: what the hell are you doing?!
Issei: can't stop, my stomach hurts but I want to eat more, I can't believe such a yummy exists.
Issei's intestines started coming out of his stomach and mouth.
Issei: M-my guts.
All-Issei: Issei!
Tonio: Unforgivable!
Naruto(💭): brute!
Tonio: you have to wash your hands before you come in here!
Naruto: Huh?  Did you just tell me to wash my hands?
Tonio: I won't forgive you!  I can't forgive someone who breaks into my workplace with dirty hands!  The kitchen must always be clean!
Naruto: soap?  Do you want me to wash my hands?
Issei: hey naruto look, i got everything and my constipation is gone.
Naruto: how?!  You guys have seen this, haven't you?
Rias: yes at first we were scared but then his guts came back.
Kiba: we didn't understand what happened.
Naruto: hey what about that dog?
Tonio: are you talking about my personal taster?  He is alright.
Naruto looked at the cage where that puppy was sitting and he was perfectly healthy.
Tonio: lamb in applesauce is a secret dish, the ingredients must remain secret.
Naruto: All you wanted was to feed Issei?
Tonio: Of course, what could be more joyful than to feed a client.  I live for this.
Naruto: wait are you fallen?
Everything-Tonio, Naruto: what?!
Naruto: It's just that your magic is so weak that I didn't even notice.
Tonio: I see you are also not simple, but I became fallen by my own will.  The angels have many strict rules, you will become fallen even if you are in love.  Therefore, I decided to live freely, Azazel herself allowed me this.  Notes!  It's also impossible!  You walk around and touch everything with unwashed hands!  In the kitchen, bacteria are the worst enemies!  That's why I'm angry!  You will be punished, my floors and windows!
Naruto: Okay, I'm sorry!  But do I have to wash everything alone?  They were here too!  And you threw a knife at me!
Tonio: they only stopped their friend and did not touch anything, unlike you!  Therefore, take a bucket and a rag and get to work!  I have to bring food to the others!
While Naruto was washing the floor, food was brought to the others.
All: Awesome!
In the kitchen
Naruto: Damn it!  I came here and didn't try anything!
Tonio: thank you come again, I'll be waiting for you.
All-Naruto: Good.
Tonio: by the way Naruto san here, I cooked food for you.
Tonio gave him a bag containing food containers.
Naruto: cool!  Thank you Tonio you are the best chef in the world!
Tonio: vieni di nuovo (come again)

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