Chapter 19: Waiting Room

Start from the beginning

"I accidentally break ONE bank with ONE bus and suddenly I'm a trouble maker? Nobody even got hurt!" Peter shook his head sarcastically.

"You broke a bank?" Beastboy asked with a confused look.

Raven peered over the top of her book and replied. "He tried to catch it with a web, but shot too much, so it crashed through it... He told me all about it."

"Hey!" Peter chuckled as she quietly went back to her reading. "Okay to be fair, I was used to a much higher tech suit, and my Spider sense wasnt working right."

"Excuses excuses." Raven quipped sarcastically.

Robin gave a light chuckle and went over to Cyborgs bed to sit next to Starfire as Peter removed one final component to be replaced. Robin and Starfire chatted over the whizzing of the tools in Peter's hands while Raven quietly read. The Beastboy got up from his spot and stood next to Peter watching as he worked.

"So uh... you and Raven, huh?" Beastboy mumbled under his breath so the dark Titan couldn't hear.

Peter raised an eyebrow at the question in confusion, "What about it?"

"How'd you do it?" The green Titan asked, "I've been dying to know."

He and Peter casually glanced across the room and looked at Raven who didn't seem to be paying any attention.

"I have NO idea." Peter whispered sheepishly, causing him and Beastboy to both start trying to hold back their laughter.

"You just walked right up to her an asked her?" He asked incredulously.
Peter paused for a moment and thought about it before nodding. "Yeah, basically."

"Dude." Beastboy shook his head, "She's gonna eat you alive."

Peter knew this and was equal parts nervous about it and strangely enjoyed it. The thought of being the less powerful person in the relationship was oddly refreshing.

Beastboy went back to his seat and lounged casually as he was before. Then, soon after Starfire came over to Peter as he screwed in the last few parts onto cyborg.

"He is going to be okay, right?" She asked with innocent hoping.

"Oh yeah." Peter replied, grunting as he tightened the last few bolts. "I just have to reboot his systems, then remove that virus and he should be good to go."

"Oh joy!" She replied. "That brings me the most of the relief!"

Peter grabbed a small hand held computer on the table and plugged it into Cyborgs wrist computer. "This will take a few minutes to load, so we'll just have to wait now."

Peter gave a pleasant stretch and a yawn as he made his way across the room to Raven. He slowly slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor beside her.

"Hey." He said, kindly as Raven continued to read. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She replied, bluntly.

"I mean, don't get me wrong." He chuckled. "Seeing you give the business to Batman is legendary, I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"It's pointless to be worried about, okay?" She snapped, peering her Purple eyes over at him briefly. "Let's just leave it at that."

He could sense she was avoiding a problem that was bothering her severely, and she was pushing it down. In this moment he remembered feeling the same way several times before.

"Is it about him not helping?" He asked, causing her to huff and roll her eyes as she turned the next page.


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