ch.20 : december 19

207 5 0

(warnings — foul language , mentions of violence)

"sweet" monroe muttered to herself , smirking , before shutting off her phone. as she got all of her belongings together , she had decided it was finally time to let moon know her true feelings. even if they weren't obvious enough. walking over to her desk , she grabbed a note she had hidden , addressed to moon.

i know these aren't much for a gift , but i wanted to make sure i got you something i knew you would like. i want you to know that i do genuinely care for you , and that i'd drop anything in a heartbeat for you. you make me wanna commit to a serious relationship , and i'm hoping you're willing to do that with me. this could either be a mistake , or this could be perfection , who knows , but i'm prepared to take that risk. so , this is me asking if you would like to be my girlfriend. i don't need an answer right away , but whatever you choose , just know i'm fine with it , no matter what.

- monroe <3

the note read. moe let out a sigh , tilting her head a bit as she continued to re - read her pre - written note. "alright." she nodded , putting the note on top of her gym bag. she grabbed her belongings and quickly left her apartment , making her way down to a small convenience store. "sup , liz!" monroe greeted the cashier , walking down the aisles until she found what she was looking for.

"ooo , this for someone special?" liz said as monroe placed her items onto the counter. it was a singular rose and a stuffed bear.

"definitely." monroe smiled as liz rang up her items.


monroe pulled out a single followed by a five dollar bill. "keep the change." she playfully winked as she grabbed moon's presents from the counter."

oh , what a gentleman!" liz said as both her and monroe shared a laugh.

monroe left the store , smiling as she took a good look at what she had bought for moon. as she made her way back into the parking lot of her apartment complex , an old , beaten up car drove right in front of her , stopping just in the knick of time. "yo , are you fucking crazy!" moe shouted as a large man got out of the drivers seat. "you need a fucki—" monroe was cut off by a hard punch to her face , causing her to drop down to the ground , along with all of her belongings.

"that was for jason." the man said , aggressively. "and this.." the man gripped the collar of monroe's shirt , as he continued to punch her repeatedly. he then sent kicks to her torso , spitting on her , before getting back into his car , speeding off.

monroe was left on the ground , coughing up blood as tears rolled down the sides of her face. she tried to open up her eyes , but the pain was too much for her to handle. she could barely see and she could barley move. she sighed , almost completely passed out , thinking about how she didn't even get the chance to defend herself. as her vision got blurry , monroe completely shut her eyes , as she was now passed out , being found thirty minutes later by moon. "oh , my god .."

moon's pov:
i was in the kitchen , making some breakfast for me and moe , but she still hasn't woken up yet. i put the stove on low and made my way into the living room to check on her for , like , the third time this morning. i set my hand down on her shoulder , putting bit of a grip on it as i called for her. "moe?" i muttered. i got onto my knees , kneeling down in front of her so we were face to face. "moe." i said , now tapping her shoulder. her nostrils flared a bit and her busted lip quivered. i let out a sigh through my nose , with a small smile on my face , hoping she could hear me. "hi , baby." i said , carefully grabbing her hand to hold. "i'm making breakfast for us , okay?" i furrowed my eyebrows upward. "waffles." i smiled. "your favorite." i said , rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand , before making my way back into the kitchen. i flipped the bacon i had cooking on the pan and removed a waffle from the waffle maker , before adding more batter.

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