ch.1 : mercy

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"so you might be wondering what a team does after they win the championship." aisha said as she was recording a video for her instagram story.

"the answer?" she continued. "victory nachos!" she brought her phone down to the table to showcase our drinks along with our nachos , causing us to cheer.

"it was supposed to be a round of drinks but the waitress was not feeling hawks fake id." aisha said causing me to chuckle.

"hey , don't talk about that. my parents follow you." hawk said.

ever since eli transformed himself into hawk , he's been a completely different person. he's sticking up for himself now , finally. when he was 'eli' he was a shy , frightened , and insecure boy ; and i was usually the one standing up for him , along with demetri. but now that he's 'hawk' he's found this new sense of confidence. he's a dick , but at least now our personalities match better.

"sorry mr and mrs moskowitz." aisha said with an 'oh shit' look on her face. "anyways , until next time , no mercy , bitches." aisha smirked as she finished the video for her instagram story.

once she was done , she sat down next to me and demetri , with hawk and moon sitting opposite of us.

"i gotta say , it's nice to be at a victory party." demetri said grabbing a nacho from the plate.

"yeah , except you had nothing to with the victory." hawk said as he took the nacho from demetri's hand.

"well , then i consider it a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp." demetri said causing me to slowly move my eyes from my phone to him. "remember?" he asked.

"demetri and eli , binary brothers." demetri sang doing a little dance causing moon and aisha to laugh.

"cool it with the nerd shit , huh?" hawk said to demetri.

i rolled my eyes and redirected my attention back to my phone and let out a sigh.

c'mon babe , it was a joke. you know i didn't mean anything by it.

i sent the text. "daisy still not talking to you , moe?" aisha asked as she glanced over at my phone.

"nope." i popped the 'p' "she's just overreacting , bro." i rolled my eyes

about a week ago daisy saw me looking at some girls ass .. that's it. that was literally all i did. i swear.

"well , i'd probably be mad too if i saw my partner making out with someone else." aisha sent me a sassy head tilt.

okay .. i was making out with some girl , but me and daisy weren't even together at the time , so she technically doesn't even have a reason to get all mad at me.

"yeah , whatever." i chuckled and grabbed a nacho from the platter.

"hey , where's miguel? his wings are getting cold." moon asked with a big ass smile on her face.

moon was always such a nice and loving person. she hung out with such assholes though. when yasmin teased eli about his lip her , and sam just laughed. but , they've never been nasty to me , so i'm cool with her. for the most part. she's hot though , so that's a plus.

i locked my phone and put it in my back pocket as i searched the restaurant. "he's right over there , come on girl." i said to aisha as we both left the booth.

"right behind you!" hawk said from behind us as me and aisha walked up to miguel.

"el serpiente" i said making a snake movement with my hand as we sat down next to miguel.

the space between us • moon • ck Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora