ch.9 : pulpo

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!unedited! !long chapter!

"okay , so what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you first lose your temper?" aisha asked me. we're working on my temper , like we said we would.

"nothing , really. i honestly just black out." i shrugged my shoulders , as i spun myself in circles in aisha's rolling chair.

"monroe." she stopped spinning me so i was facing her again. "come on , you have to take this seriously." she sighed.

"i know , i know!" i whined.

"well , what's one thing you do when you're upset?" she asked , sitting in a criss - cross - applesauce way on her bed.

i slouched back. "i break things." i muttered. "and i like to fight." i clenched my jaw.

"okay." aisha raised her eyebrows. "is there anyone specific you would go to when you're upset?" she said with a slight head tilt.

"e - hawk." i corrected myself.

"tell me about it."

"god , you sound like a fuckin' therapist." i chuckled , causing aisha to roll her eyes.

"moe." she said sternly.

"okay , okay." i brought my right hand to my lips , biting down on my finger nails. "i would go over to hawks house when i'm mad , and he would know the right things to say to cheer me up." i continued to bite my nails. "even when he was 'eli' , he would make me laugh , crack jokes." i listed. "he would do anything to get my mind off of things when i was upset." i smiled at the memories me and hawk had together. "he was really shy in public , but when he was with me , i feel like he was truly himself." i sighed. "but now that he's hawk , he's been doing a ten times better job at cheering me up than he did before." i said as both me and aisha giggled.

"is there anyone else you would talk to?"

i shook my head. "nah , not really." i looked down at my fingers , furrowing my eyebrows.

"what's wrong?" she asked.

i sighed. "you know demetri judged me for being quote unquote , 'rude' and 'disrespectful' for , 'interrupting his sleep'." i rolled my eyes , putting up air quotes with my hands.

"the hell?" aisha scoffed. "when was this?" she asked , visibly intrigued by our conversation.

"a couple months ago. he said i could always talk to him , and he gave me , like , this disgusted look. like he was better than me or something." i furrowed my eyebrows in anger. "something had happened between me and my dad , so i went over to demetri's to talk about it with him , and he just went off on me." i scoffed.

"i'm sorry he did that , moe." aisha sighed. "that's one of the reasons you stopped liking him , right?" aisha said. i while ago , before all this drama with cobra kai and miyagi - do happened , i had told aisha my mixed feelings about demetri. she was basically connecting all the dots together.

"yeah." i nodded. "it made me feel dumb. like , i put my trust into him , and it was like he didn't care." i shook my head.

"well." aisha got up from her bed. "i know a way you can work on your temper." she smiled.

"what is it?"

she went over to her closet and got a pillow with two faces on it. one side was red , with an angry face. the other side was blue , with a sad face.

"here." she handed me the pillow. "if you're ever mad , punch the red face. if you're ever sad , use the blue face to comfort you." she gave me a lip - pressed smile.

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