ch.18 : the good , the bad , and the badass

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( warnings — foul language , arguing , violence , homophobia , homophobic slurs , slight crying )

"moe!" i was shook out of my sleep by moon. i sucked my teeth in irritation , bringing my hands to my face to rub my eyes a bit. "get up , we gotta get to school." moon dragged out as she poked me continuously.

"alright , alright." i rasped out as i threw my legs over the edge of moon's bed. i sighed and looked up at moon who was already dressed and ready for school. i looked at her outfit up and down and smirked at how good she looked. "you look good , doll face." i said before getting up from moon's bed , walking into her bathroom.

"thank you!" she smiled as she followed me into her bathroom. "here , there's a spare toothbrush right.." moon said as she opened up the cabinet under the sink. "here." she said , handing me a brand new unopened toothbrush.

"thanks" i nodded as she left the bathroom. i removed the toothbrush from the packaging and ran some water over the bristles , before applying the toothpaste.

"okay! so , i got this for you to try on." moon said , walking in front of the doorway , holding up some clothes. she held up a white tee , a flannel , and a pair of black pants. hm. cute. kinda.

"thanks!" i said as i brushed my teeth. once i was done brushing my teeth , i left moon's bathroom and made it over to her bed where she had laid out the clothes for me. "alright.." i said amongst myself as i grabbed the clothes from moon's bed. moon giggled and i went back into the bathroom to change. after freshening up and putting on the change of clothes , i took a look in the full body mirror moon had propped up in her bathroom , taking a look at how the outfit looked on me. "hm.." i hummed to myself as i scanned my body up and down. alright. looks like im wearing this for today.

as i left moon's bathroom , she looked up from
her phone taking a look at me. "aww! you look so cute in my clothes!" she said with a giant grin on her face as she got up from her bed.

"hey , i actually kinda do." i chuckled as i looked around moon's room for my backp— "shit!" i threw my head back in frustration at my realization.

"what's wrong? do you not like the outfit? i can get you another change of clothes if—"

"no , it's not that." i cut moon off. "my backpacks at home." i sighed.

"oh , that's fine! umm .." moon took a pause. "i can just drive you down to your house really quick and so you can grab it." moon offered as i shook my head.

"look , moon , i never told my dad that i was 'staying at a friends house' , okay? if i did he'd lose his shit." i ran my hands down my face. "it's fine , i'll just write down my notes on sheets of paper today." i lightly chuckled as moon walked a bit closer to me , somewhat examining my face. "what?"

"sorry you just have something right .." she brought her hand to my left cheek , slightly pinching it. "here." she said , pulling her hand back to show me an eyelash hair which was stuck against my cheek. "make a wish." she pressed her lips together as she smiled.

"i don't think that's how it works , moon." i chuckled as she held her finger with the eyelash on it out.

"pleaseee?" she whined as i playfully rolled my eyes. i gave in and pretended to make a wish. i blew on her finger and the eyelash disappeared. "yay!" moon giggled.

"you're adorable." i chuckled as i brought my hands to her waist to tickle her.

"stop! monroe , stop! i'm serious!" moon laughed as she tried to push away my hands from her torso. "monroe , stop!" moon repeated as she laughed uncontrollably.

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