ch.12 : nature vs. nurture

461 16 13

!unedited! !long chapter!

( warnings — strong language , slight violence towards animals , crying , subtle toxicity , mentions of violence , mentions of bullying , underage smoking )

"life isn't always fair." kreese said as he walked around the cobra kai dojo. "sometimes the world can be cruel. and that's why you have to learn to be cruel yourselves." he said as he made his way to the front of the dojo. "weakness is unacceptable. the fight at the school was an embarrassment." he said with his eyes staring between his students. "you lost soldiers and you lost the battle." kreese said. i tensed up as soon as he mentioned the fight. i knew he was talking about miguel , aisha , and tory. "but you will not lose again. diaz was one of our own." kreese said as i shifted uncomfortably. "what they did to him , they did to all of us." i furrowed my eyebrows. "and it will not go unanswered. we will show no mercy." he said causing me to smirk. "we will show no weakness , we will strike back , and we will strike hard! is that clear?" kreese asked.

"yes , sensei!" we all shouted in unison.

"i can't hear you!" kreese insisted.

"yes , sensei!" we shouted , this time louder. i let out a soft sigh , placing my arms behind my back as kreese started todays training.


"like that." i grunted as i showed hawk a kick he was having trouble with.

"class!" kreese said as he walked out of his office , with his hands behind his back. "you worked hard today." he walked up to us. "so before you're dismissed , i have a little treat for you." he said before bringing his arms out in front of him. "i wanna introduce you to a friend of mine." he had a hamster in his hand. or a mouse , or a rat or something.

"aw." bert said.

"cool." hawk nodded his head.

"gross." i muttered.

"what's it's name?" bert asked , looking at the hamster in awe.

"i don't know." kreese shrugged. "what should it be?" he looked around the class for answers.

"hawk junior." "moe junior." me and hawk said at the same time as we laughed , causing kreese to chuckle.

"bert , what do you think?" kreese asked. he sounded like he was targeting him in a way.

"um." he thought for a bit. "clarence?" he tilted his head. geeky name.

"clarence." kreese cocked an eyebrow. "good." he nodded. "here , take him." he handed bert the hamster.

"he's so cute , guys." bert said as some of the students chuckled.

i walked a bit closer to bert , keeling down so i was a bit closer to the rat , or hamster , or whatever. "hi , moe junior." i joked , dragging out the 'junior' , as the laughter got louder.

hawk scoffed. "you mean , hawk junior." he said , lightly pulling me closer to him by the back of my gi.

"oh , you wish , bird boy." i joked as we shared a small laugh.

kreese chuckled. "you know it's almost lunchtime." he said.

"ooh! can i feed him?" bert asked , excitedly.

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