ch.4 : the moment of truth

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"so robby's senseis son , who cares?" i rolled my eyes at miguel who was sitting to the left of me on the couch. me , daisy , hawk , and aisha were hanging out at his apartment.

"i mean , i'm just saying , don't you think that he should've at least told us about him?" he explained. "we were his first ever students , and he said he trusted us so .." he trailed off.

"look , just because he didn't share to us that robby's his son doesn't mean he doesn't trust us." i said. "just give it some time for him to tell us himself." i put my arm around daisy.

"i guess you're right." miguel sighed.

"i always am." i said with a shrug cussing daisy and aisha to giggle.

"alright , alright , shut up!" hawk said with his eyes glued to the tv screen.

we all chuckled and redirected our attention back to the movie that was playing. after about 15 more minutes into the movie i needed to use the bathroom. i made my way down the hall into the bathroom and did my business , also fixing some of my hair after washing my hands. i went back into the living room to only see miguel , aisha , and hawk. "where's daisy?" i asked.

"uh , she went outside to .. take a .. breather." aisha said.

the fuck?

"why? what happened?" i walked to the couch to see my phone screen lit.

"i guess she saw a message she didn't wanna see?" aisha took a guess.

i grabbed my phone to see a message from moon.

hey , if you're free later do you think can come over? lmk. <3

i slightly smiled a bit and frowned when i locked my phone. "i'll be right back." i sighed and slid my phone in my back pocket as i left miguel's apartment to see daisy pacing around with her arms crossed. "what's your problem , daisy?" i asked as i walked up to her.

"are you cheating on me?" she stopped pacing.

here we go ..

"no , daisy." i rolled my eyes.

"well , why is moon texting you , huh? you guy's barely even know each and she's asking you to come over?" she asked.

"dude!" i lightly chuckled. "we're just friends , daisy. does she looks like she likes girls?" i laughed.

"this isn't funny , monroe."

"i mean , seriously." i raised my eyebrows.

"you don't know if she likes girls or not , monroe. god , she probably has a big crush on you and you wouldn't even know." she started pacing again.

"she's literally dating hawk , bro." i rolled me eyes. "wish she was with me , though." i joked causing daisy to give me a death stare. "it was a joke!" i laughed.

"why do you think everything's a joke , monroe?" she walked closer to me.

"um , i don't know , cause it's funny?" i said sarcastically as i was now looking down at her.

"i really hate you right now." she stared up at me with a blank expression.

"what do you want me to do to prove to you that i'm not cheating , hm?" i tilted my head.

she sighed. "you can go to moon's house." she informed me. "i wanna trust you , moe."

"you should already trust me , daisy." i furrowed my eyebrows together.

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