ch.19 : feel the night

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( warnings — foul language , bulimia nervosa , binging , purging , body dysmorphia , negative intrusive thoughts , subtle mentions of abuse , crying , slight belittling , subtle mentions of violence )

moon's pov:
i sighed looking in the mirror , taking in every single detail of my body , with only a bra and a pair of underwear on. "my god." i whispered amongst myself as i brought my hands to my thighs , then to my face , and then my stomach. i furrowed my eyebrows , taking in my full appearance. fresh face , no makeup , no shower , no clothes. i look so gross. stepping closer to my mirror , i turn my body to the side , examining my body up and down. i took in a deep breath and felt a frown upon my face as i saw my face in the slight reflection of my scale. before i could step onto it , i received a notification from my phone.

hoping i was getting a text from moe , i quickly grabbed my phone off the sink counter , only to be met with a text from yasmine. 'omw!' her text read.

i let out the breath i was holding in and took a another look at myself in the mirror before replying. 'not feeling too good , i'll be there tmr <3' i texted back as i left my bathroom. i threw my phone onto my bed and went through my drawers looking for comfortable clothes to put on. once i was done changing , i crawled back into bed , putting on some tv. there was no way i could go into school feeling the way i am right now. i'd be a wreck. and going on that scale would've made things worse. i need a day to myself. a day for me to just relax , with nobody in my way.

monroe's pov:
"dude , get up!" i felt something being thrown to my face. i yawned , squinting my eyes hard as i opened them. i threw my legs over the couch in tory's living room , and realized tory had threw a pillow at me. "damn , you're a heavy sleeper." tory giggled , throwing her gym bag over her shoulder. the hell?

"fuck , what time is it?" i groaned out as i got up from the couch , picking up the pillow that fell to my feet as well.


i cocked my eyebrow up in confusion. "so , why do you have your bag? training doesn't start for , like , another six hours." i said , in confusion.

"oh! i forgot to tell you , hawk , rickenberger , and some more students are skipping school for extra training , plus we're gonna get kreese a special gift." tory said with an evil smirk. "you would know this if you went to cobra kai more." tory crossed her arms , tilting her head at me. i've been a little 'm.i.a.' from cobra kai for bit now , not that i wanted to. it gets hard to explain.

"sorry." i chuckled , grabbing my phone from the coffee table. "i'll go with you guys today." i said , looking down at my phone as i turned it on. "what are we getting kreese , exactly?" i asked , momentarily looking up from my phone.

"you'll see." tory shrugged , sitting down at the island.

"whatever you say." i laughed , sitting down in front of her , before giving my phone my undivided attention. i went into my messages and clicked on moon's name. 'learn something for me today.' i smirked , sending the text to moon.

"is that moon?" i small sigh came from tory.

i looked up from my phone to make eye contact with her. "..maybe." i said , holding back a laugh.

"moe!" tory laughed , clearly in shock. "hawk's gonna find out one day , moe." she recollected herself.

"dude , there's n-" i was cut off by a notification. 'yk i would , but i'm home rn. not feeling too well :(' moon's text read. "man.." i whispered. i wonder if she's okay. i should check on her. 'i'll see you in 20'. i sent the text , before leaving the stool. "okay , tory , i love you , but i gotta help moon with something real quick." i said , walking around the island to give her a hug. "text me when you're on your way to get kreese's gift." i said as tory nodded with a smile on her face.

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