ch.11 : aftermath

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!unedited! !long chapter!

( warnings — strong language , slight mentions of violence , subtle toxicity , subtle bullying , making out )

i groaned in annoyance , quickly tapping my phone a couple times to shut off my alarm. i grabbed it , checking the time with a sigh , before getting up from my bed to stretch. i had taken a shower the night before , so i don't really have to do much. i washed my face , freshened up , and threw on some clothes before making my way down into the living room. "hey , ma." i said , grabbing a pack of pop tarts from the cabinet.

"hi , monroe." my mom said with a sigh as my father came out of their shared bedroom.

"try not to get expelled this time , punk." my dad said as he flicked the side of my head with his middle finger.

"whatever." i mumbled with an eye roll as my dad groaned , walking down into the bathroom. i quickly finished up my pop tarts before walking over to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water to wash it down. "i'm walking." i said as i grabbed my backpack and the keys to my apartment , before walking over to my mom. "i'll see you later." i pecked the top of her head.

she sighed. "alright." before opening her organized pill supply container labeled , 'monday'.

"lisa's gonna be here in a little bit." i said , referring to my mothers home nurse. "she should get here in 5 minutes." i assured my mom with a warm smile before leaving my apartment. i yawned as i made my way down to the main road to start my walk down to school. after some time passed , i'd say about 10 minutes , i received a text , and read it without looking at the contact name. 'behind you'. i quickly turned around. "the fuck?" i said aloud , being met with a visibly entertained jada in her car. "dickhead." i said under my breath before getting into the passenger seat of her car.

"hi." she giggled. "you're cute when you're scared." she said , pecking my cheek.

"shut up." i put on my seatbelt. "i wasn't scared , i was weirded out." i deadpanned.

"yeah , no , by the way you turned around , you were obviously scared." she smirked as she resumed the car ride. "why were you walking anyway? you could've just asked me for a ride." she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"aisha was supposed to be my ride to school but her stupid parents transferred her to a private school." i scrunched up my nose. "they even put up their house for sale." i crossed my arms.

"i heard about that." she sighed. "i'm gonna miss her."

i furrowed my eyebrows. "you didn't even like her." i faced her.

"that was last year. i apologized for everything i did to her privately." she said , momentarily looking at me. "we were actually getting along pretty well." she raised her eyebrows. i let out a dissatisfied hum , knowing me and aisha aren't gonna be going to the same school anymore. "are you gonna answer my question?" jada tilted her head.

'why were you walking anyway?'

"i didn't wanna bother you. i hate asking my friends to take me places. makes me feel like deadweight." i shifted around in the seat , a little bit uneasy.

"you don't ever have to feel that way with me , moe." she grabbed my hand , interlocking it with hers. "and i don't want to make you feel that way." she gave me a warm , supportive smile.

"thanks." i smiled back as she pulled into the parking lot of our school. i didn't really know what to say. i know she has good intentions , but i don't need anybody looking out for me.

she sighed , parking her car. "you ready?" she asked.

i clenched my jaw and nodded. "yeah." we both left her car , making our way down to the front doors , only to be met with a bunch of kids going through security. "my god , are you serious?" i scoffed. "come on." i grabbed jada's hand , pushing and shoving kids out of the way so we were next in line to get our bags checked.

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