ch.15 : miyagi - do

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( warnings — strong language , bullying , violence , peer pressure )

"the hell?" i groaned as i started rubbing my eyes vigorously. i was just waking up from a loud alarm coming from moon's phone , i furrowed my eyebrows and threw my legs over my bed as i shut off her alarm. i readjusted my curtains to look outside , only to be met with a dark sky. i narrowed my eyes at the streetlights in confusion before looking down at moons phone '5:00'. why is her alarm set for so early in the morning? i redirected my attention to moon to see her peacefully sleeping in my bed. she had herself curled up into a ball , with her back facing me. i mentally smile and crawled back into bed , lightly pressing my front against her back , while putting my arms around her.

"thank you , moe." moon said groggily as she interlocked her fingers with mine. "please , don't let me go." moon said as a tiny sigh left my mouth.


"oh , i wouldn't get it?" i repeated. "how , moon?" i asked as her eyes started welling up with tears.

"because." she sniffled , with her nose turning pink. "because—" she choked out a sob.

"okay , okay. come here." i put my arms out for her. she stood there a little bit as more tears fell down her face. "please." i sighed. she slowly put her arms around my neck , while i wrapped mine around her waist as i carried her inside my bedroom. i forgot how sensitive she really was. maybe i was a bit too harsh. i shut the window , and made my way over to the door to lock it. "i'm sorry." i whispered. as i was about to lay her down on my bed , her grip around my body got tighter.

"please , don't let me go." she said , so low to where i could just barely hear her. "please." she whispered as i felt her tears seeping into my shirt.


"i won't." i assured her. "go back to sleep , okay?" i said as she let out a faint 'okay'. i was still so confused on what made her break down like that last night. could it have been something i said? was it my tone , or something? maybe i was a bit too aggressive? "fuck" i muttered to myself in frustration. the last time i've seen moon this way was when piper cheated on her. maybe i'll take to her about it in the morning. yeah , i'll do that ..


i let out a sigh as i felt the heat of sunlight beaming onto my face. i slightly hesitated before opening my eyes. i was now facing my nightstand , i checked my phone just as my alarm went off. "screw you." i muttered as i turned it off. i threw my legs over my bed and rubbed my eyes vigorously to wake me up a bit more. "how you feeling , moon?" i asked as i turned around , being very caught off guard when i saw that the space on my bed next to me was now empty. she left. "fuck." i whispered as i threw my head back in frustration. i sighed and got up from my bed to get ready for today's cobra kai training.

sam's pov:
me , chris , demetri , and a couple more miyagi - do students were outside of the dojo , training. my parents didn't know about it. and they don't need to know about it. what they don't know won't hurt them. demetri and chris were sparring , and surprisingly , demetri was the one sending chris to the ground , not the other way around. chris groaned as he made contact with the ground and sighed and demetri helped him up. "good hit , man." chris said as he got it his feet.

"yeah." demetri nodded.

"good. again." i said as they looked at me in confusion. "we have to be ready to fight." i said as chris and demetri got back into their fighting positions , but before they could start their spar again , we heard my mother's voice coming from behind me.

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