Isn't it funny?

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Isn't it funny

How one mistake

In one day

In one hour

Can be the thing that ends up destroying everything

All the happiness of those around you

Yourself as you watch them someday move on

While you're still stuck in an endless cycle of your mistake

Even years later

You still hate yourself

You still wanna die

You still question if you deserve every bad thing that's ever happen to you

You still wanna punch the ground

Until your knuckles come away bloody

Rip out your hair

Until there's none left

Telling yourself you don't deserve to ever escape your suffering

But wanting comfort nonetheless


Everyone talks about trauma

About healing

About growth


Because you're better then those who hurt you

Because they don't deserve to see your tears and know they won

Because you deserve to move on

But no one every tells you how to deal with trauma

When the most traumatizing thing you've experienced

Was done at your own hands

Strangling you until you claw your own throat

Desperately trying to pry the hands away

But your fingertips only come away bloody and leave your neck more scared


It's funny

Isn't it?

It is

It's so funny tears pour down my face at how hard I'm laughing

Laughing in a hysterical plead for something to save me

When there's no way to make this pain end

No one to pass the guilt off to

No evil to side against while I pretend I'm innocent like with so much else so I don't crush under the weight of this world

After all

There's only me to blame



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