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Goodbyes suck

A fact well known

A constant thing in life

Goodbyes to friends

To family

To strangers you pass bye

To people you only met once

To the self you were 10 seconds ago

Or a self you never got to be

Goodbyes to places

To dreams

To wishes

So many goodbyes

Tears fall

Smiles leave

From the constant neverending goodbyes

You close your door

Left in the solitude

A solitude that brings you more peace

Goodbyes suck

But they'll never leave

It's easier to just be alone

Because with every hello

With every new journey

There will always be a goodbye

A tiring, neverending, string of goodbyes

But yet for some reason you can't help but stay on that string

Open the door

And say hello again

Only to keep falling apart later



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