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"Jesus Christ, Sam, what the hell made us drag you along here?" Stanton grumbled, shielding his face with his hand. Despite the goggles, icy wind lashes at his face as snowflakes settled on his thick suit. "And why did you make us bring these damn suits?"
Sam Coleman glanced back at Stanton. "Sorry, Rick. It's important. The temperatures in this spot are way too low, even for Antarctica. There's literally a hunk of ice in the middle of nowhere, that can't be normal. And the radiation?" he argued.
"Don't start telling me it's another Titan," came Mark Russel's grumbling voice. He had retired from his job at Monarch, but Coleman had managed to drag him out to Antarctica.
"We've got too many of those things roaming about already. Godzilla is enough!"
Coleman fell silent, still trudging through the foot-thick snow. He glanced at the radiation monitor clutched in his hand.
"Holy crap!" he hissed, halting and looking up. Now he knew why the temperature had dropped all of a sudden.
"Is this...the were talking about, Sam?" Dr. Chen asked. Madison Russsel stepped forwards, reaching her hand out to the solid, packed ice. She recoiled. It felt like frozen jaws clamping around your fingers with needle-sharp teeth.
"This is it. Look, the radiation is through the roof. This has to be another Ti-" Coleman was cut off by a deep, ground-shaking rumble.
"Sam, that thing is growling," came Madison's voice. All five people started up at the enormous hunk of ice. Another rumble - more like a growl, this time, echoed from inside the ice. Mark backed up, followed by the others.


Ilene stared up at the ice. A crack had formed in its surface.

Crack. Crack.

More cracks appeared, forming a network of cuts in the ice.
"Whatever that is, it's waking up. And we're in its territory. We need to leave," Mark snapped.
Coleman rounded on him, fists clenched in frustration."We need to document it! We can't just leave it without knowing what's happening? The helicopter isn't too far. We can get to there and watch it wake up from above- WHAT THE HELL?!"


Shards of ice tumbled down into the snow. The Monarch members gasped and darted through the snow, irritated growls shuddering under their feet.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

The ground shook as huge paws seemed to plant themselves on the ground. Coleman just managed to stumble into the helicopter, followed by the crew and slam the door shut. Stanton shouldered into the cockpit and revved on the engine, only to look out the window. Ilene, Madison, Mark and Coleman stared in awe into the hazy blizzard.
An enormous shape loomed over the ground. Four muscular legs with four terrifyingly long, sharp, bear-like claws. A thick tail that trailed behind it, just a bit longer than the creature's body.
Its rough scales were black as starless space, forming a spiky ridge along the animal's spine. It had a short, muscly neck with gills on either side.
The head of this monster was shaped like a bear's skull, though just a bit more square. Its jagged, sharp teeth protruded from its bottom and top jaws, and nostrils could be seen at the end of the creature's snout. It must have been a hundred and fifteen metres at the head, and two hundred and fifty metres long.
But the eyes.
The eyes were sharp and yellower than the Sun, with pupils like a cat's.
The Titan turned to glare at the crew's helicopter. It snorted, curling its claws into the snow. Its tail swung from side to side, brushing the snow blanket.

"That's a Titan. I think," Stanton observed, his voice hoarse with shock.
The Titan opened its cavernous jaws to reveal a forked tongue. It threw back its head, only to rear up on its hind legs, standing up like a grizzly bear. It was nearly twice as tall this way.
Madison stared at the creature's gaping jaws. A low roar came from its mouth, rattling its throat. It sounded like falling rocks and dinosaurs roaring mixed together. Somehow.
But a flash of icy blue in the Titan's mouth caught her eye. It glowed until almost blinding, then an enormous, icy beam shot from the creature's jaws. It sent small shards of ice into the sky as the beam shot up to the clouds.
"Is that thing breathing ice?" Mark whispered.
"Yes." Madison responded, her eyes as round as an owl's.

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