Part 34

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Part 34

"I think you forgot to invite me, Mother." Ari's voice boomed across the chamber.

The Queen's eyes went wide as she cried out, "Guards, seize this imposter!" The guards looked confused but followed the queen's command.

Ari raised her hand, making them freeze in mid-step. "I don't think so, Mother. We need to have a little talk, and I don't feel like being interrupted, so take a seat." The Queen dropped onto her throne, still gaping. "Don't even try it, Phillip," Ari said in a threatening tone, as he attempted to sneak off with her son. "Hand my son over this instant."

Vincent and Kai moved closer to Phillip, blocking his retreat. "I will not give my son to a harlot like you," he seethed.

Phillip gasped as he watched Ari's eyes dance with flames, "Tsk, tsk, Phillip, you shouldn't tell lies." She stepped closer and took Caleb from his arms, then handed him to Vincent. "Matter of fact, I think I'll make sure you can't ever lie again," Ari placed her hand on Phillip's chest and began to chant in an ancient language. The Prince cried out as her handprint began to singe his skin. The mark glowed red for a few moments after she pulled her hand back. "Did you plan to steal my son, Phillip?"

"He's my son...Aaaarrrgghhh," Phillip fell to the floor clutching his chest. "Wha...what have you done to me?"

Ari knelt down close to his ear, "I've cursed you. When you lie, you will burn with the fires of hell," she grinned at the look of horror that spread across his face. "Oh, and Phillip, I promise when you finally arrive at my gates, I'll make sure you spend an eternity suffering for all the torture you have put others through. You see, I'm already a Queen," she locked eyes with him and let him see the fire and smoke that swirled in her demonic eyes. He sputtered and tried to crawl away. "Not yet, stay put," she commanded him and he froze in place.

Ari turned as she felt Vincent's hand on her arm, "Ari, I'm not sure what is going on, but,"

She cut him off, "They hurt the people I love, Vincent. That can't go unpunished. You of all people should understand my rage right now." She pointed to Phillip, "Can you really tell me that you don't want to rip his head off for hurting Caleb or me?"

Vincent pulled her closer and Caleb reached out to tug on her hair, "Of course, but that's me, not you. I've never seen you so angry, so violent. It's a bit scary, little one." Hearing that familiar nickname made her lean into him more. She felt her heart rate calming down.

"It's because she has demonic powers, but isn't a demon." Ari's head jerked up and Vincent turned as well. Somehow, Adriel stood before them both.

"Wait, how? How are you here, but Vincent is still here too?" she stammered.

"It's only temporary. I called in a favor," he said, trying to calm her. "Nachash's gift comes at a price, one that I'm worried you might not be able to handle, Princess."

"What price?" Vincent asked, tightening his grip on Ari's waist. She noticed Kai moving closer as well.

"Receiving her powers was meant to happen after her transformation, once her soul had fallen. Adrinada has a pure soul, and the powers are trying to corrupt it." He reached out and stroked her cheek. "It will drive you mad, beloved."

"Then what do I do?"

Adriel's eyes filled with regret and sadness, "You revoke your pledge to me. The terms of the claim were violated. You are no longer bound by the claim." Ari shook her head and placed her hand over the claim mark. She couldn't stop the tears that fell down her cheeks.

"Can we.." she tried to ask but didn't know how.

"No. If you revoke the claim it is permanent." Ari threw her arms around his neck and sobbed. Adriel looked at Vincent and Kai in defeat, then stroked her hair, "Shh my beloved, it's okay. It has to be this way. Your son needs you." He wrapped his wings around them both, shielding them from everyone for a moment. "I love you, Adrinada, and if there were another way," his words caught in his throat.

She cupped his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his, "I can't lose you Adriel. There has to be a solution. How long do I have?"

"The more you use the powers, the stronger they will take hold. The curse you placed on Phillip was big. It feeds off your rage." He flashed a small smile, "I told you you'd be a great demon. Your sense of justice and goodness make you a natural."

Ari giggled as she tried to wipe away her tears, "Okay, give me 24 hours to find a solution. Can you do that?" He nodded. "Now we need to tell the others." Adriel withdrew his wings.

"I'm going on a short trip," she informed all three of them. "Adriel and Vincent, I leave you to deal with my mother and Phillip's punishments. Kai, I need you to come with me." She walked over to Vincent and took Caleb in her arms, covering him with kisses, "Mommy loves you, sweetie, but I need to figure out something. Your daddies are here and they will keep you safe, baby." She kissed him one last time and then handed him back to Vincent. "I'll be back in 24 hours or less if I'm lucky." She took Kai's hand and they vanished in a swirl of flames.

They reappeared in Nachash's garden. "Ari, what are we doing?" Kai asked, tugging on her hand. "You're scaring me."

"I need answers, Kai, and I brought you with me because I trust you. If I go mad with the power, I know you will stop me." She saw the fear and guilt in his eyes. "I'm not pregnant, Kai. I can't explain how, but I know." She saw his body relax and she gently jabbed his rib, "Although, we'd make pretty babies you know," she giggled.

"Yes you would, fairy," she heard Nachash's familiar hiss. "Back so soon?"

"You know damn well why I'm here, serpent," Ari snapped.

"Well, that progressed much more quickly than I predicted. I thought you'd make it a couple of years at least," he mused. "So what do you want?"

Ari let go of Kai's hand and took a step toward Nachash, "I want a solution that doesn't involve breaking Adriel's claim. You screwed this up, now fix it!"

Nachash raised himself to full height, looming over her, and boomed, "Who do you think you are to demand anything of me, fairy? I think you forgot who I am!"

Ari's voice shook the garden as she became encircled in flames. Her hair turned a bluish silver and dragon wings sprouted from her back, "No serpent, you have forgotten who you made me into. I am YOUR QUEEN and you will do as I command!" Both Kai and Nachash fell to their knees in shock. "I will not allow the claim to be broken. There has to be a solution."

Nachash's head was still bowed when he spoke, "My Queen, forgive me, but I do not know how to stop your soul from corrupting. I truly felt there was no other way to save you and the young prince, Adrinada. I'm sorry for what I've caused."

Ari raised her head and let out a mournful roar.

Author's Notes:  Damn details...where's a good ole loophole when you need one?

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