Part 17

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The next morning she woke to find them back in the bedroom, with Vincent's arms wrapped around her. "Good morning, little one," he said, kissing her shoulder. "Will you join me for my meetings today?"

Her eyes lit up and she squeaked, "I would love to!" He laughed at her excitement and buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent. She wriggled against him giggling.

"Mmm, keep wiggling like that and we're going to be late, pet," he growled playfully. Smirking, Ari slowly wriggled against him again. Moaning, he bit down gently on her shoulder and pulled her hips against him, "You wicked little thing." She wrapped her arm around his neck and turned, pressing her lips against his.

"I'm your wicked little thing, Master," she purred.

Vincent growled as he flipped her over on her back, caging her beneath him. "Definitely going to be late."


The room was filled with vampires as Vincent strode in holding Ari's golden chain in his hand. He waited for her to kneel before sitting down himself. The assembly began discussing matters of the kingdom. As Ari glanced around the room, trying to be subtle, she found a pair of large blue eyes fixed squarely on her. When her gaze met the young stallion from the dungeons, she flushed and quickly lowered her gaze.

She heard Vincent's laugh in her mind, Embarrassed, pet? He makes a dashing vampire, doesn't he? Ari didn't speak but nodded in agreement. I think he has a crush on you. Should I be jealous, love?

Not in the least, my Master, Ari said, I only want you. Vincent smiled at her response and stroked her hair.

After several hours, Vincent brought his attention to the chamberlain. "Roland, what news have you brought me?" he asked.

"Your Highness, the Council is requesting your response. You must accept or send a representative." Roland's voice sounded hesitant, "I understand your concerns, but a representative would be a significant risk, sire."

Vincent gave a worried look at Ari, then cleared his throat, "Did they agree to my terms?" Roland nodded and pushed a document before him. He read it carefully, then signed at the bottom. "Send the message. I will attend in person."

The chamberlain stood, signaling the others to depart as well, "I will notify them immediately, Your Highness."

"Work out the details with the Captain. We will be ready shortly," Vincent stood and Ari rose to stand behind him.

As they headed towards their room, Ari noticed he seemed distracted. "What's wrong, Master?" she asked, following him down the hall.

"Not here," Vincent replied abruptly and pulled her into their chambers. When the door was closed, he pulled her close as his chest shook.

"Vincent, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" Ari asked again.

Pulling away from her, Vincent let out a deep sigh, "I have a meeting to attend, and you will be coming with me. I'm just nervous since this will be your first time in public since, well, since.." his voice trailed off.

"Since Gwen," Ari finished his thought. "But I'll be by your side, so I'll be safe, right?" She searched his face for reassurance but didn't find any.

"It's complicated. I have to take care of a few things, but the maids will come to help you prepare for the week. We leave in an hour." His voice was clipped and he quickly left the room.

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