Part 7

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Once her wounds had healed, the King had distanced himself from Ari. She felt like he had rejected her and feared he really might send her away after those guards had touched her. The only time he touched her was when he drank from her and that wasn't often. He had begun chaining her to the bedpost again and making her sleep on her cushion. Occasionally, he would bring slaves into the room and take them in front of her, holding her gaze as he drained them during sex. He would have a maid or guard clean up and then go to bed without another glance at her. Ari was quickly losing all hope that he would ever pay attention to her. She began to believe that one night she would be the body on the floor that needed to be removed.

The young maid, Calla, gently shook her shoulders, "Mistress, the King wants you in his office. I need to prepare you." Ari's eyes lit up at her words. She quickly stood and let the maid dress her and place the collar on her.

She could hear loud voices as they approached the office. Calla hesitantly opened the side door and led Ari to her cushion. As she knelt, the King gave her a brief glance, but her hope was quickly dampened when he began arguing with the other vampires. She was simply a decoration he wanted others to see.

A loud snarl pulled her from her thoughts. The table before her face lurched and she jerked back instinctively as she saw the King rise with such force that his chair flew away from him as he grabbed the neck of another vampire who was exposing his fangs in aggression. The two vampires snarled and yelled at one another until the King let out a thunderous roar and his fingers extended into sleek black claws. Ari suppressed a gasp when she saw that his eyes were solid black. She quickly tried to regain her composure and drop her head.

The other vampire whined in submission and the room began to clear. She could hear the ragged breaths of the King as he paced, growling and seething with rage. He roared out for a maid to collect Ari and gave her a furiously scribbled set of instructions, "You have 20 minutes to gather those materials and have her bound and prepared in my chambers." He thrust the note in the maid's hands and stormed out.

She was rushed to the room, stripped and bound in shackles to the four-poster bed. The room was dimly lit with dozens of candles, and there were several odd-shaped and large sex toys on the nightstand. Once everything was set, the maid scurried out of the room, leaving Ari to wait in fear of the King's rage.

He came in seconds later, slamming the door so hard she thought it would shatter. He was covered in blood and looked crazed, his eyes still coal black. He ripped at the blood-soaked shirt, throwing it to the floor. He crossed the room in three strides and roughly flipped her over on her stomach, the shackles rotating around her limbs. He brought his open palm down on her bottom with a loud crack, then again and again, until she was screaming. She watched in horror as he took a large toy with a bulbous tip and dipped it in a liquid before bringing it to her tight rim. She felt a cooling sensation for just a moment as the liquid met her skin, then she screamed again as he shoved the full length of the shaft inside her tight anus. She sobbed as her body tried to adjust. He growled but did not speak to her as he reached for a nearby candle and began to dribble the liquid wax across her back. The pain was searing and made her feel light-headed.

Just when she thought she was going to pass out, he stopped and pulled the plug from inside her. She felt empty and began to relax when he shoved an even larger shaft inside her. "Keep screaming, pet. I need your pain tonight," his voice was low and dangerous as he pressed the palm of his hand against her clit. He began to rub and pinch her clit making her moan as the tool filled her painfully.

As soon as she seemed to adjust to the pain, he would yank out the plug and ram a larger one inside. He had increased the sizes twice more; she could feel the blood dripping from her opening. Ari could see his arousal increasing with each scream and whimper she made. He suddenly flipped her over on her back, pressing the enormous plug deeper into her. She felt him attach straps around her thighs to hold it in place, then the King grabbed another candle and began to dribble wax on her nipples. Tears streamed down her face as she screamed out and thrashed against the chains which only caused the plug to penetrate her more. He took out a small remote and turned it on, making the plug begin to vibrate and gyrate inside her. As she began to groan, he brought his lips down on her clit, biting and sucking hard.

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