Part 14

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The next morning, she found flowers, chocolates, and a note waiting on the table. Remembering what Vincent had said about gifts, she left them untouched until he returned at noon.

He noticed them immediately when he entered the room. "What are those?"

"I'm not sure, I didn't touch them. I wanted to wait for you," she sat on the bed with her hands folded in her lap.

"Good girl, you remembered," he smiled as he read the note. "They're a thank you from Gwen." Vincent opened the chocolates and pulled them back as Ari reached for one. "No, don't eat them. They're infused with her blood."

Ari gasped, "What? Why would she do that?"

"Probably to try and compel you to have sex with her again." He flipped over the box and laughed. "She even left a note - 'Can't blame me for trying'" He threw the chocolates in the trash and led Ari back to the bed. "Now little one, I think it's time for your first punishment."

Ari shivered, "Yes Master." She dropped to her knees on the cushion and waited for his instruction. She knew he would never truly harm her, but this felt so natural, letting him control and punish her. She craved it.

"I think we will start with that smart mouth, pet," he put his hands in her hair as he undid his pants. She opened her mouth and took him deep in her throat. His thrusts were rough and deep. "Hum for me, Ari. I'm going to take your voice again. You can have it back when you learn to speak with respect, understood?" She moaned and hummed against his cock, submitting to his will and the spell. She felt his length shift and grow slightly, but not quite as violently as the last time. She could tell he was holding back.

Please, Master, punish me. Let your beast take my voice, Master. I need your punishment, she begged him quietly. She looked up and saw his eyes blacken. The beast within him was responding. He craved her submission.

"You tempt what you do not understand, little slave," the beast's voice rumbled out of Vincent's mouth. I will give you what you crave this time, but it will not be pleasant." She moaned against him as his cock began to swell and elongate, covered in rough barbs. She choked and gagged as she fought to accommodate the changes. "Scream for me Princess, let me take your true voice," his growl vibrated throughout the room. Ari allowed her illusion to fade and held his black gaze with her ice blue one. She felt a shiver run down her spine as his hands blackened with elongated claws. The beast was in full control now, Vincent was just a passenger.

The beast pulled back, tearing her throat and mouth, then plunged down her throat again. She screamed against him, the pain ripping through her. Her screams became quieter and quieter as he fucked her throat mercilessly. When her voice had completely vanished, he pulled her up to him, his still hard length pressing against her belly. He pressed her mouth against his as his tongue lapped at the blood freely flowing from her throat. His hand pressed in between her legs, swirling the wetness there. "You like the pain, Princess," he grinned. He roughly pushed her over the edge of the bed and pressed against her bottom. "I've decided to give you your second punishment since you like pain so much." He pushed her legs apart and shoved her up on the bed slightly. In a single swift motion, he thrust inside her ass. She tried to scream, but he had already taken her voice. She felt faint from the pain, his thrusts tearing her flesh. She felt the blood streaming down her legs as he pumped deeper inside her.

Her vision began to swim and she swayed as he brought his bleeding arm to her mouth. "Be careful what you ask of me, Princess. I'm not Vincent, and I would love nothing more than to break you and possess your soul. You carry my seed, fairy. I own you." She drank from him as he began to climax, spilling his barbs inside of her. She writhed and convulsed as the pain devoured her. He flipped her over and placed a clawed hand over her stomach. The beast sniffed at her belly and smiled wickedly, "You crave my torture, Princess, so I'm sure I'll see you again soon." Ari watched as the blackness faded away, and Vincent stumbled backward, dropping to his knees, with his head in his hands.

"Oh my gods, Ari, what did I do?" His voice shook as he saw her covered in blood. He cradled her in his arms as he carried her to the bathroom, gently placing her in the tub. He knelt next to her, washing her cuts and bruises. He flinched when he saw the bruises around her mouth. She stared off blankly as he continued to clean her body. He carefully lifted her out of the tub and put her back in the bed that had been cleaned while they were in the bathroom.

"Ari, look at me, please," he begged, "What can I do?" She looked at him in wonder as she saw tears in his eyes.

Her hand was shaking as she placed her hand on his cheek. He leaned into her touch and kissed the palm of her hand. I'll be okay, Vincent. I'm the one who provoked your beast. He wasn't wrong, I wanted the pain. I just wasn't prepared for his level of violence this time. She smiled softly and motioned for him to sit with her. Just hold me, please.

"Of course, my love," he pulled her onto his chest and stroked her hair as they lay in silence. "Would you like your voice back, pet?"

Ari chuckled in his mind, What, and undo all his hard work? I think I'll take my punishment like a good little slave and be thankful. She looked up at Vincent with sparkling blue eyes and grinned, besides, you still owe me two punishments.

Vincent rolled his eyes and kissed her softly, "Very well then. I'll think about your final two punishments. Now get some rest." Ari snuggled against his chest, listening to his breathing and feeling safe in his arms.

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