Chapter 21: Saving what is left of a Birthday

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Ventus Pov

I was pissed not normal pissed I mean almost god like pissed off for what these guys did on my sisters special day. Their bullets' did nothing but  bounced off of me but I made sure no one was harmed along the way. I had a pissed off look on my face as one of the goons ran up to me and punched me in the face but I felt nothing before I grabbed his face and froze it before his  whole body was  in a block of ice before I drop him to the floor while continue to walk towards the goons leader.

"What the hell are you?" The goon leader asked  before more of his goons opened fire but I summoned ice shards from thin air and threw them. Each one was a perfect shot each of the goons gun barrels where jammed so if they try to fire the gun will explode in their faces.

"Damn you little brat." said one of the goon pulling  out a grenade launcher and fired it hitting me the area I was standing at exploded was covered with smoke.

"Did I get him?" asked the goon

"Who cares lets just get the fuck out of here and where taking this fine piece of ass with us." The goon leader said right before I threw a ice javelin through the smoke hitting the goon who was in second in command hitting him in the shoulder but it didn't just impaled it blew his freaking shoulder off. It took a few seconds for him to process what happened before he was screaming in pain blood rushing out from his shoulder like a sink before he fell to the floor dead from blood lost while the smoked clear showing me unhurt.

"All my men I'm the only one left? No matter if you want to see your sister unharmed you back away now." The goon leader said before his left eye was impaled by one of my ice shards making him let go of Tsubaki staggering back towards the armored car while I walked over to Tsubaki.

"Are you okay Tsubaki?" I asked. She looked at me and nodded her head.

"Just stay there I finish up here." I said before I see the truck speed out though the hole it made and  I followed it outside watching  it speed away but not very fair before I summon a bow and arrow made of blue ice and took aim.

" I said before I see the truck speed out though the hole it made and  I followed it outside watching  it speed away but not very fair before I summon a bow and arrow made of blue ice and took aim

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"Just one question Ventus. What If you miss?" Bahamut asked. (A/n: Points to those who got the reference)

"I won't." I replied and let the arrow fly towards my target. The arrow flew true towards its target  and impacted the left rear tire casing the truck to skid out of control and run into the tree before the driver door opened and the leader of the goons crawled out trying to get away but I was already on him pinning him to the tree.

"You ruin my sisters special day and dared to have your way with her you deserve to die." I said freezing his arm and smashed it against the tree while he screamed in pain. I wanted to kill him for what he had done but Bahamut said it was not worth it so I threw him to the ground while he moaned in pain.

"The cops will deal with you." I said just when the cops showed up along with the medics while I walked back towards the building  calming myself down before Tsubaki ran over to me and hugged me crying. I wiped away her tears.

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