"Oh, okay. Thank you so much." Harper says, genuinely grateful for this woman.

"Of course. It's no problem. I'll have your order over shortly."

"Thank you." Harper follows the path to one of the booths closer to the right side of the cafe and sets Onyx's car seat down.

She grabs a high chair and sets Onyx in it. There's a cushioned insert inside of it, shaped perfectly to help babies that still need support sit up on their own. He sits comfortably and is able to look around at all of his surroundings.

"Look at you!" Harper exclaims quietly. "My big boy." She pulls her phone out and snaps a couple of pictures.

She tries to get him to look at her but he's not much for listening at the moment. He's too enthralled by everything around him. Before, he wouldn't take the time to look around at all. He would just become overwhelmed and quickly overstimulated.

Now that he's adjusting little by little, on a better schedule and getting good rest, he's calmer during the days.

Harper gets only one good shot of him looking at the camera. She has to call his name in a singing kind of voice to get him to pay attention. And even then, it's only for a few seconds.

The waitress brings her food over and Harper thanks her again before starting to eat her sandwich. The second that the food touches her tongue, she feels the relief. With each bite, she feels better than she did before. She sips on her water, hydrating herself as she looks through the photos that she took of Onyx. In between bites of food, she'll give him tiny pieces of bacon or her eggs.

As she's deleting the pictures that look repetitive, Onyx squeals suddenly. It's a combination of a screech and a scream that makes his mother snap her head up and look at him.

He's reaching to his left and trying to get out of the high chair. Harper stops him so that he doesn't fall and he starts whining and fussing. As he almost starts to cry, she grows confused.

"You were just doing okay. What's wrong, baby?"She wipes his cheeks and looks to see where he's looking.

Yoongi is already looking in their direction, hearing Onyx's familiar fussing and cries. They're ingrained in his head at this point. He could pick the infant out of a lineup blindfolded if he ever needed to.

Harper's eyes widen as she sees Yoongi and she turns back to face Onyx.

"He's with his friends, bubba. You can see him later. I don't have work today but maybe you can still go over to see him and Jewel for a little bit." She tries to calm him down, feeling the heat of the impending embarrassment from her crying baby coming.

Yoongi excuses himself from his table and walks over to theirs. As Harper tries to adjust the straps on the high chair, Onyx squeals and reaches up again. She looks at him as Yoongi comes into view.

"Hi, little guy." He picks him up with a grin on his face. Onyx smiles and giggles as Yoongi hugs him. He sits in the booth spot across from Harper and holds her son against him.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes. "He saw you and got excited. I wouldn't have even known you were here if he hadn't done that."

"It's okay. I was getting bored over there anyway. I'd much rather spend time over here than there on any given day. Right, Onyx?" He pokes the infant's belly. "We can hang out together. We have fun watching Sesame Street and doing tummy push ups."

Harper smiles at them in amusement. "Be careful. I might take you up on that offer and ask you to keep him for the rest of the day." She jokes.

"Oh, please do." He replies. "I nap after work and then when I'm rested, I have nothing to do. I play with Jewel but he gets sick of me and wants to play by himself after a while."

Healing Harper-MYG✔️Where stories live. Discover now