Chapter One: Milkshakes

Start from the beginning

"Hey Ciara, can I get a ride with you?" My best friend Cameron turned in my direction from her locker across the aisle looking straight at me. She had on a cute pair of ripped white jean shorts along with a hot pink tank top and her straight blond hair fell well below her shoulders.

"Yah sure! Did your Jeep break down again?"

"What else would it be?" She turned back to her locker, tying her long blond hair up in a high bun. I did the same with my sandy brown hair, and grabbed my bag and car keys following Cameron out of the locker room. "Looks like the guys have already taken the ice. Some of them might be complete idiots, but they can at least all skate pretty well."

"Yah I guess." I wasn't really paying much attention, because I was watching their star player, Parker. He executed a beautiful breakaway, scoring a point for his team's scrimmage. Even though my legs were killing me I secretly wished I could be out there with them. Playing with the boys team would be a huge step up from the girls team.

The guys team had won the state championships the past five years in a row and were destined to win yet another one. If they made it all the way to states then they would be legible to go all the way to the countries championship for our age group. It was a huge honor for the school, but the competition this year was going to be extra tuff because of it.

"I mean if they didn't have such big ego's then they would be pretty decent hockey players." That snapped me out of my trance. She was completely right. This was my family and I would never trade it in just to play with some of those jackasses no matter how good they were.

"Yah that makes a lot of sense." The guys hockey team was number one in A conference, and they didn't mind letting the whole school know about it either. We had made it out of the arena and to my black pick-up truck, where I got into the driver seat and turned on the car. ACDC blasted through the speakers, so I turned it down a tad so I could hear what Cameron was saying.

"I might get a chocolate chip cookie dough milkshake this time, what do you think?"

"You get that every Friday, why not change it up a bit?" Cameron closed the passenger side door and buckled her seat belt while contemplating this new idea.

"Nah. I better not mess with a classic. What are you thinking about getting?"

"Probably whatever the special is. I mean you can't go wrong with a homemade Ellen's milkshake." I turned out of the schools parking lot and two minutes later we had arrived at Ellen's. The parking lot only had a handful of cars, so I was only expecting one other group of people to be inside. I just hopped they didn't take our special booth that fit the whole team perfectly. We hopped out and made our way over to the group of girls waiting for us by the door. "Is everyone here?"

"No, we're still waiting on Alayna and Kate." Sadie called out from the crowd, and after taking a quick glance around I could tell she was right. "Wait, I just got a text from Kate saying they are going to skip milkshakes tonight and start homework early. Losers." Everyone laughed, because it made a lot of sense for the two smartest girls in the grade to skip out on a Friday night out to study instead. They were best friends and basically competing for top spot in our grade. It took every ounce of us to keep them on them team instead of leaving to gain more study time.

We all headed inside, but our excitement was demolished as soon as we saw the group of girls at the back table. They all stood up and headed over to where we had stepped into line. "Look at what the cat dragged in."

"Oh this coming from the one who fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down?" Some one walked up behind me ready to squash our arch enemies. As I turned around to see who it was, I wasn't even slightly surprised to see Cameron standing right next to me. Her comebacks were always stupid, but weirdly clever. How she came up with them I would never know.

"At least I can get plastic surgery to fix my "ugliness", but you on the other hand can't cure your stupidity, I'm so sorry." The co-captain of the Patriots was the only one talking. The rest of the group just stood behind her ready to pounce on her command. I couldn't believe their captain, May, was letting her get away with this. They all new perfectly well that we were suppose to keep our distance off the ice after what happened last time.

I could tell this was getting under some of my teammates skin, but it was about to go to far and I needed to end it. "If I wanted a bitch I would have bought a female dog." by the look on Jade, the co-captain's, face I could tell that struck her.

"Oh... I'm sor-sorry I don't sp-speak id-idiot." She was stumbling now and everyone, even her team, could tell.

"Go back to where you came from Jade." I stuck up my middle finger at her, in phases by her awful comeback, and walked straight through her group and over to the register with my team following suit. The Patriots stumbled out of the store and headed to their cars, only leaving a few milkshakes behind in their place. "I'll have whatever the special is." The lady behind the counter scrambled up to the register with a note pad in hand ready to start taking all our orders.

"That was a nice one Ciara, you really showed her." That's where I broke Sadie off mid-sentence.

"No it was a close one is what it was." Everyone's faces went blank. I hated laying down the law to my own team mates, but as captain that was my job. "You all remember what happened last time, and I do not want even a slight repeat of that. No one goes near anyone on that team or I'll have you all running sprints for the main part of practice. Sorry to play the bad guy here, but all of you know this needs to happen." Everyone nodded showing me that they understood my new rules.

"Hey! It's over now, let's not dwell on the past. Who wants some milkshakes?!" Cameron always knew how to lighten the mood, I just hope my message got through to the whole team.

Author's note:
Hear is my first chapter and I know there wasn't much hockey, but I'm still trying to learn the game. If you wait a few chapters then I'll get to some nice action scenes on the ice. I don't actually play hockey, but my best friend Ciara does and she is teaching me how to play. This chapter is dedicated to her, because of her love for the sport! Also please comment. I love constructive feed back no matter how bad!

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