Chapter 61 - Campfire Memories

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Zelda stared after him for a few moments before commenting uncertainly to Nabooru, "He does seem happier out here in the woods."

"Isn't this where he was born and raised? That would make sense." Nabooru plied several packs off Epona and Fado.

Shaking her head tersely, Zelda replied, "Well, not exactly here. The Kokiri probably made their home further west of here, just north of Ordon." She looked around trying to orient herself, "Which I think we're actually quite near."

"Either way, it makes sense that he would be far more comfortable out here in the woods and with animals than around other people." Nabooru established confidently, reaching into her own pack to pull out a few artifacts she would need for building the fire.

Tapping a finger to her lips, Zelda ruminated softly to herself, "What a restless spirit. Link, where do you set your stake in the sand? Where do you call home now?"

Link had already arrived at the massive archway that divided the ruined structure from a separate chamber. The lack of a ceiling made the entire enclosure feel more open than it really was. Moss and crawling vines had invaded the cracks in the underlying edifice and gave a feeling of ancient veneration. He had stepped up to the center of the smaller vestibule where a raised podium lay, no higher than his shins.

His breath caught in his throat as he kneeled down to brush off the layer of dirt from the front of the pedestal, emblazoned on the stone was an effigy of the Triforce! Suddenly looking around him with new clarity, he began noticing more marks along the crumbling walls bearing the symbol of the Triforce, enveloped with what looked like wings.

"Navi?" He exhaled wondrously, "What is this place?"

I'm not sure. I remember being here once before in my search. All I know is that I feel at home here, it feels...serene. Her tone was practically singing with the joy in her voice.

"I feel it too." Link stood up; gazing around him with new found reverence for the location they were to call their temporary home for the night. "Navi, I have a feeling we are going to be quite safe here."

Agreed. She sounded.


Link slammed the carcass of the elk in front of Xavier, who was practically salivating at the prospect of tearing her meal apart. He grimaced as she hastily poked it several times with her barbed tail. Thankfully it didn't balloon into a grotesque spectacle of blood boils. It would still be a few days, maybe weeks before that happened. Leaving the delighted Cyn'Taak to its meal, he strolled back to the campfire where the others had gathered, hanging out cooked meat from a previous kill earlier that day.

Zelda scrunched up her nose as she viewed Xavier slurping down the elk's intestines. With a small hiccup of bile, she politely set down the piece of meat. "Ugh...I know you like providing food for Xavier, but did it ever occur to you that she might need to learn how to hunt things for herself?" Zelda offered; eager to get her mind off eating her meal that was no longer appetizing.

Link gratefully accepted the warm meat from Nabooru before sitting down next to Zelda, unconsciously wrapping one wing behind her. "I guess you do have a point." She winced as he tore a hunk off the grilled meat, talking in-between bites of his repast, he offered, "Next time I go out to hunt," More chewing, "I'll take her with me and I'll see if I can teach her to hunt."

"Ugh...could you please at least swallow before talking?" Zelda complained, scooting a few inches away from his smacking sounds.

Saria giggled, "Oh, he's always been like that. Ever since he was still young growing up around us Kokiri, he never learned manners to eat and then talk after." She crunched into a delicious apple she found previously.

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