Wedding Night 💞

Start from the beginning

“Wow, that’s so sweet, Kongpob. It looks so good like that,”

He says, fingering the written words on my place card that says

“Mr. Kongpob Rojnapat”

“I thought you would never notice”

I tell him, trying to suppress a chuckle.

“Just for tonight, right ??”

Arthit asks, still tracing a finger over the letters of my new name.

We have been going back and forth about this forever, I had never planned on changing my name, but it’s really important to Arthit that we share a last name. We debated over Rojnapat-Suthiluck and Suthiluck-Rojnapat and even tried to create a new name by combining the two.

I hadn’t made my final decision until I was writing out the place cards last week, when I wrote it for the frist time, I knew instantly that I wanted to be a Rojnapat.


“No... Oon, for Forever”

I whisper. I see a single tear drop from his eye as he leans his forehead against mine.

“I love you so much, Kong”

Arthit breathes against my lips, just before he kisses me fiercely. It’s a little too passionate for polite company, but I don’t care, all I care about at that moment is my darling husband and the life we are going to build.

The chorus of 'woohoo!!' and 'save something for the honeymoon!!' finally gets to Arthit, and he pulls away. He acknowledges the cheers sheepishly by raising his glass, much to the delight of our friends.

While we are finishing dinner, Aim stands up to give a toast. He was sulking when I told him that we didn’t plan to have any best man or maid of honour at our wedding, he quickly declared himself the Best Man anyway.

“I was so honoured when my best friend Kongpob asked me to be his Best Man at their wedding”

He says, earning a chuckle from those of us, who knows the truth.

“I thought about coming up here to tell you some childhood stories about Kong, but I think I will spare him that embarrassment for now. But.... I do want to tell you, my childhood friend, that I love you. And I promise not to tell your husband about the time you called 911 because you put aluminum foil in the microwave”

The crowd laughs as he embarrasses me anyway, and I tuck my face against Arthit’s shoulder, hiding.

“And Arthit, He couldn’t have picked a better guy for himself. I am so glad he found you, who loves him to the moon and back”

Aim says, relieved, and Arthit chuckles. I am still leaning against him, but I turn my head so I can see Aim again.

“I wish you both to have a happy and prosperous life together”

He shouts, raising his glass. The crowd murmurs their cheer as well, everyone sipping champagne. Arthit kisses me chastely at the sound of knives tinkling against the crystal glasses.

Arthit takes the microphone next, pulling me up to stand next to him as he addresses the crowd. He thanks everyone for coming and recognizes the people who helped us plan the reception. I flush when the guests clink their knives against their glasses again, and Arthit kisses me soundly. He shuts off the microphone and moves to set it down on the table, but I reach out and stop him. I hadn’t planned to say anything, but I find myself moved to tell everyone just how much this day means to me.

Arthit hands me the microphone, switching it back on. He raises an eyebrow in question but wraps his hand around my waist supportively.

“Hi, everyone”

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