Chapter 58 - Hard Work

Start from the beginning

"I was." He said; remaining prone on the ground, facing away from her nude form as a sign of respect. "Impa asked me to see if I could use them," he jerked a thumb at his feathers, "to climb over that wall."

"Link? Is everything alright?" Saria inquired soaring over the debris, her eyes bulging at the unexpected scene. Her hand went straight to her mouth as she broke into a fit of giggling.

"Shut up Saria!" Zelda and Link said as one.

Pushing himself off the ground and walking around Zelda, he moved on towards the lake. "I think I'm done training for today. I'm going for a dip."

Impa poked her head around the wall and sidled up next to Zelda with a grin on her face. She took one look at the Sheikah before smacking her arm curtly, "You dared him to do that on purpose!"

The grin broke into a wide smile at Zelda's accusation. "What can I say? If you are to be properly trained by a Sheikah, it would do you well to be ready for any situation. Just because you are naked does not mean you should let down your defenses. I would have expected you to be on him in a heartbeat, dagger at his throat, regardless of your attire. You clearly have a lot to learn."

"Ugh!" Zelda thundered. "But did it have to be him? You could have easily done the same thing and I would have reacted accordingly!"

"Perhaps." She smirked, "But it wouldn't have been as effective." She chuckled as Zelda huffed, storming off to change into her fresh clothes in the corner.

Impa turned her head to Saria, "You should be thankful you don't sweat like the rest of us. I don't think you change at all." She mused.

"Nope!" Saria beamed cheerfully. "I'm actually happy about that." She moved her arms as she admired herself. "I like the tunic I have on now. The Gerudo made it for me many cycles ago. It holds a special place in my heart."

"Although sometimes you do need a bath." Impa scrunched her nose. "You should take one after Link gets out." After seeing Saria sticking her tongue out, she threatened merrily, "Either take one or I'll toss you in myself."

"Ha! I'd like to see you catch me!" Saria bluffed, lifting herself slightly off the ground.

Impa raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge little Kokiri?" The menace in her voice was apparent.

Saria gulped, "Maybe?" She said feebly. With a shriek of nervous laughter, she swooshed out of Impa's tackle and began whisking off across the ruined village with Impa in hot pursuit.

Link observed the two of them speeding through the rubble with a smile on his face. It was about time that Kokiri got a proper bath! Agitatedly, he maneuvered around in the water, trying to fold his wings behind him so he could dive deep below the surface and feel the cool rush flow over his head. For some irritating reason, his additional limbs were quite buoyant and it was annoying to try swimming at all with them attached to his shoulder blades. At least they seemed to not soak in moisture like he had expected them to, instead most liquids tended to run right off the feathers.

"Navi?" He spoke aloud to what appeared to be no one in particular. "Do you know why I have wings? Is this your doing?"

I'm afraid not Link. Navi's voiced chimed in his head. I honestly had no idea how our merge would affect you; I wasn't even sure if I would survive! A little nervous giggle resounded in his head. Just...consider it a gift from Hylia for giving you a second chance at life? She suggested.

Link sighed as he continued to tread water. It really was a beautiful day. There were only patches of clouds and the sun was beating down warmly. "Maybe I'm putting too much stock into them. I guess..." He struggled trying to find the right words. He had once hoped Navi could read his mind, but it was established early on she could not. He had to vocalize his thoughts to her. "I guess I feel that there has to be some greater purpose to them than there probably is."

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