Chapter 39

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For a minute, it felt like the world had stilled.

The wind had stopped blowing, the insects had fled, and the hair on our skins stood tall as the entire atmosphere chilled at his presence.

I opened my mouth to call for him, but nothing came out. On the other hand, Veronica looked as if she had seen a ghost as she started backing away from me and ultimately Drew.

I could see how her body shook in fear, and I knew for a fact that she had never seen Drew this angry. Hell, not even I have seen him this angry.

His fists were clenched, his teeth were bared, showing his fangs, and his eyes were red as blood – an absolute difference from his usual stormy grey eyes.

He took a step forward, and Veronica simultaneously took a step back, looking as if she was ready to flee. But she decided against it when she realized that Drew could catch her easily. I knew I was crazy, or maybe it was the lack of blood flow to my brain, but I sort of felt scared for her.

Drew looked like he was about to tear her into pieces, which is exactly what I feared. Sure, she kidnapped me and was going to offer me up to a blood-crazed psychopath, but one day when he isn't angry, he'll remember how he killed his best friend. And as much as she deserved it, I didn't want him to kill her himself.

"Drew," I called for him, but he barely flinched as he took another step towards her. She stepped back again but was met with the edge of the cliff. One more move and she'd be a goner. I don't even think being a vampire could save her from that fall.

"Drew," Veronica said in a small voice. "Please. Please don't do this."

"Do what?" he growled, almost shaking the earth with it. "I didn't say what I was going to do with you yet."

Veronica's lips trembled as her eyes sprung water. I don't know what she thought he would do, but she knew it wasn't anything good. Then, suddenly, her eyes widened as if she just realized something, and then she eagerly pointed at me.

"Don't you wanna save your mate? Go untie her." But this only seemed to enrage him even more.

"Don't you fucking talk about her!" And in a split second, he was in front of her, gripping her neck as he held her over the cliff. "You were the one who took her!"

"Drew!" I screamed. "Drew, don't do this. Come untie me, please."

He stepped back a bit, but he couldn't meet my eyes. Maybe he thought that looking at me would cool his anger, and perhaps he wanted to be angry. Maybe he wanted his anger to drive him to do this. But I fear he'll never recover from it.

"Drew, please. If you kill her, you will have to live with that for the rest of your life," I added, and that's when he finally looked at me.

His eyes softened immediately, but he seemed pained by the way I was bound to the seat. Still, he only gripped her neck tighter.

"She was going to give you away to be killed, Amber. She deserves to die."

"Just please, untie me. Hold me in your arms and know that I am right here."

He stared at me for about two more seconds before finally dropping her to the ground so close to the edge that she had to shuffle away, so she didn't fall over. He was in front of me in the blink of an eye and effortlessly broke the knots as if they were nothing.

I launched myself in his arms and wrapped my legs around him as my tears finally came. I felt his tense muscles relax tremendously as he hugged me back and buried his nose in my neck.

He hushed me as he held me still, and I realized I didn't know how scared I was until then. But in Drew's arms, I am always safe. And I loved it.

"I'm right here, baby. It's okay."

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