Chapter 12

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It felt like someone broke my spine.

It literally felt like someone held me by my back and snapped it in two. The events of last night were a blur in my head as I groaned myself awake.

My head pounded furiously, as if punishing me for an unknown crime. I felt immobile. I could feel my limbs but I couldn’t move them.

I kept my eyes shut, but slowly I was drawn back to reality. The bed that I was in dipped a little, and a gentle touch brushed against my forehead, making me already know who it was.

I forced my eyes open, blinking to adjust to the light--or lack of rather. Still, it only caused my head to pound harder as the image of Drew became clearer.

“You’re awake,” he whispered as he continued to caress my forehead. I tried to nod, but I realised that I couldn’t. In fact, being fully awake heightened the pain in my body even more.

I was used to pain. I fight vampires for a living, after all. There were moments when I got pretty hurt. But this was on a whole other level.

I tried to sit up, but Drew’s worried eyes told me otherwise and my body agreed.

“What happened?” I croaked, which was followed by a series of coughs.

“You don’t remember?” he asked, looking surprisingly relieved. I tried to speak again, but my dry throat only sent me coughing. This, of course, worsened my already killer headache.

“Here.” Drew held a glass at my lips, and I greedily titled my head to gulp it all down. I felt much better once I was done, and Drew looked pleased that I evidently seemed better, even if it was by a small amount.

“What happened?” I asked again, wanting desperately to know what the hell happened. I knew I was in a fight with a vampire, but everything else was blank. I only remembered fragments of what happened.

I remember seeing the vampire feeding on a man, taking my gun, then seeing his head off his body. It was like my mind was trying to save me from the embarrassment of reliving it all. I lost a fight.

I, Amber Rousseaux, lost to a vampire. Wow.

“You got hurt,” Drew mumbled, avoiding the details. Maybe it was for the best anyway. His face looked pained, as if he stayed up all night watching me. He looked pissed, tired, sad and concerned at the same time. If that’s even possible.

“Ugh. I feel like death.” I groaned as I laid still in the bed. At this point if I move a muscle I’d be plunged into more pain.

“I can make it go away,” Drew said as he trailed his thumb to my cheek, admiring me in a way no one has ever before. “Just say the word and I’ll make it go away.”

“How?” I asked in a quiet voice. His eyes and voice seemed like they were pulling me into a trance.

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