Chapter 31

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Drew's POV

Something's not right. 

I knew it before, and I know it even more now. I can't believe Amber and Lorenzo went behind my back to do something so reckless and dangerous. 

I couldn't hide the fact that I am pissed at them both, but maybe it was my fault. Amber told me how she felt about keeping those vampires alive, and I disregarded her wishes and dismissed them as if she didn't have a point when she actually did. I knew that keeping them alive was risky, but I had this stupid protectiveness for them, maybe because I know what they are going through...

That led to her belief that she had to do this without me. Murdering a warehouse of vampires won't be easy. And after they already lit this old school ablaze too, no doubt Dageian will know their next target.

He isn't dumb. We all know that Dageian knew we had his vampires, but he didn't make a move to save them. Maybe now he will. 

And my mate will be in the center if it all. 


If anything happens to her, I will never be able to go on living. We haven't completed the mate bond yet, and I already feel like she's my life. Hell, she is my life. 

I can't lose her. I wont lose her. 

Even though the essence of the chives weakened me, I ran with all my might. I wasn't as fast as I always am, since the smoke from the building I found reeked of chives. Luckily, I got far enough away before it did its worst to me, but the few seconds still did something to me. 

However, that didn't change the fact that my adrenaline was pushing me to my limit. Maybe I will be too late, and they'll already set the building on fire, but I can't stay here while my mate is all the way out there.

And surprisingly, as much as I am pissed at her for doing what she did, that anger didn't last long. In fact, it didn't last at all. The worry I felt shoved it to the far back of my mind within minutes after she ended the call. 

I just need to find her. That's all. And then all my emotions can pour the fuck out. 

But then, it happened. The one thing I had subconsciously wished wouldn't happen. I felt panic rushing through our bond like a mighty wind blowing through the sternest roof. Then there was fear, anger, sadness and guilt. 

My baby. What the hell is happening to her!

"Amber!" I practically yelled in our mind link, despite the fact that I was shoved against a wall yet again. She had shut me out all night, and that was a big part of the reason why I figured out what she was up to. 

But the jig is now up, and she still had it up. If she doesn't bring that shit down soon, I'll bust through that fucker. 

"Amber, I know you can hear me." My feet pushed even faster, and soon the chives no longer did anything to me. I was moving the fastest I ever had in all my years of being a vampire. Her fear became my fear. Her panic became my panic. But I knew I had to keep a clear mind, or else we're both dead. 

"Dageian," my sweet mate's voice finally said through our link, bringing down all her walls once and for all. 

I knew it. I freaking knew it. 

A new found anger rose in me as I dashed through the trees. If he touches a hair on her head, I don't care how immortal that fucker is. I'll fucking kill him. 

"I'm coming baby," I told her eagerly as a glimpse of the warehouse came into sight. It was still in one piece and there was no sign of burning. 

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