Chapter 6

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I felt frozen in my seat the moment I saw him. 

It wasn’t what I expected or had been anticipating all night, but he was right in front of me, drunk as every other man in this damn place. I didn’t even know vampires could get drunk. But unless my eyes were deceiving me, Drew was definitely drunk. 

I rose from my seat as if on instinct as I moved towards him. The closer I moved, the better look I got at him. His eyes were barely open and his hair was a mess as if he'd run his fingers through it countless times. 

I actually felt sad seeing him like this and I couldn’t understand why. Why would a vampire have this effect on me? I felt like I wanted to take him to the castle and make whatever problems he had disappear, yet I felt like I wanted to rip his throat out for putting me in this pain. 

Was he feeling the same thing? The thought only just occurred to me after seeing him this wasted. I paused a few feet away from him as I considered it all. What if he was telling me the truth? 

I knew I denied it, simply because I couldn’t dare begin to think that I was the soulmate of the very thing I live to kill. I didn’t want to believe it because I thought he wanted to come into my life and ruin it. I am to marry a duke who will be my prince and who will be the king one day. But yet every time I think about marrying another man, I am pushed into awful pain as  if I'm being punished. 

Why would it be happening only when I met him? I was thinking about marriage days before my ball, because my mother had been buzzing about it for weeks! So what are the odds that only after I meet a vampire who claims that I'm his mate, I start feeling like this? 

Not to mention the fact that he messes with my emotions, my mind won't give me a break because it's on him 24/7, and I can't, no matter how hard I try, bring myself to kill him. 

Maybe he isn’t so crazy after all, or maybe I’m just as crazy for considering it. But there must be some level of truth behind what he's saying. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be feeling this only now when I met him. 

This made me even more determined to be done with him. Yesterday he said there wasn’t any way to undo a mate bond, but it had been clear that he was lying. I grew determined that I wouldn’t leave tonight without knowing. 

I simply cannot afford to have him come into my life and turn it upside down. I have a duty that was instilled upon me from the minute I was born, and then fate comes with this crap? I cannot be  a vampire's mate. It wont work because I don’t want it to work. Besides, what will I tell my parents? 

'Oh by the way, Mother, I cannot marry the duke because I have learnt that I am the mate of this vampire, and so you and the entire kingdom should accept him as I have.' 

Yea right. 

I haven’t even accepted him, not to mention my mother. I could see both our heads flying by the simple thought. 

I resumed my journey towards him, pushing away whatever affection that I felt in my stomach by the simple thought of him. Hell, even after I just accepted that he was telling the truth about this mate bond, I felt immensely better. I relished in the feeling for a while, but I knew what I simply had to do. 

My Vampire Mate Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora