Chapter 13

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"What do you mean he isn't the only one?" 

I wasn't hearing correctly. I refused to believe it. More vampires like him are in my town? They chose the wrong place to mess with. 

More vampires like him meant more of my people being hurt or worse--killed. There was no way on earth I was going to tolerate this. 

I shuffled away from Drew a bit so that I could see him face-to-face. He looked serious but he wasn't confused, meaning he knew exactly what was happening. Is this some type of vampire apocalypse or something? 

He sighed before speaking again. "Yesterday when you accepted me, the only thing I wanted to do was stay with you all day. The only reason why I left was because I needed to get something. But on my way back, I saw something completely foreign." 

"A vampire?" 

"Yes. But unlike the ones I knew, this was feeding on someone in broad daylight, with the woman screaming on the top of her voice. I thought he'd gone mad. He was putting our secret at risk, and it seemed like he didn't even care," he explained, looking pissed at whoever this vampire was. 

"I should've seen him." I scoffed with an eye roll. 

"I grabbed the woman from him and compelled her into forgetting everything. Luckily, there was no one around. When I asked him if he was going crazy, I realised that he didn't even speak English." 

"So they're not all Australian?" 

He shook his head. "In fact, I had been stopping those crazy vamps all day and night, getting a little help from some other local vampires who knew the importance of our secret being kept from the humans. We stopped over a hundred vampires yesterday who were feeding like crazy, and that's not even half of it. " 

So that's where he was yesterday. I waited for him all day until night, thinking he stood me up or something. But he was stopping these foreign vampires. It made me wonder how many humans he had to compel to forget, and how many vampires he actually killed or stopped. 

"Did you kill them all?" 

"No." He shook his head. "In fact, the only one I killed was the one who..." His jaw clenched in an uncomfortable looking way, and his eyes became like storm clouds again. I knew he meant the one who almost killed me, but it seemed as if every time he thought of him, he'd kill him again. 

Trust me, I would too if I got the chance. 

I held onto his hand to pull his attention back to me. "Where are they?" 

"They're at an old warehouse in Derile," he said and I nodded. Derile is one of the provinces in Consok, near the north coast. This led me to my next question. 

"So they are all over the island?" 

"They are," he confirmed with a sigh. "Some of the local vampires are trying to get answers from them." 

"Like why they are here?" I asked in slight infuriation. The audacity! Who gave them the right to come to Consok? 

I hate to admit it, but I actually felt grateful for the local vampires. If it weren't for them, then maybe Consok would've been a blood bath by now. 

"Yup," Drew said, popping the 'p'. "So far we don't know why they were sent here. But..." 

"But?" I urged, seeing that he knew something. 

He sighed again before meeting my eyes. "I think I know who sent them, and I probably know why but-" 

"So let's go stop him and kill those motherfuckers." I proceeded to get up from the bed, but Drew held onto my ankle, halting my movements. 

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