Chapter 11

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In all my years of vampire hunting, I have never seen anything like this.

In fact, I thought witnessing a vampire feeding ‘normally’ was horrible. But this--this was more than horrible.

The man’s cries grew softer as the life was drained from him by this bloodsucking motherfucker, and all I could do was stand and watch.

The shock was too much for me. It had me frozen in my spot. Where did this vampire come from? He surely wasn’t a local. Because other than my siblings' killer, I’ve never seen a vampire feed so…wild.

It was like watching an animal devour its prey. It was so carnal and messy. The vampires in Consok knew how to keep themselves a secret. They compel before they feed, and send their victims on their way alive.

But him...he killed that poor man.

And I just stood there and watched.

I yelped in horror when the vampire dropped the man’s lifeless form in front of him, and the sound I made alerted the killer to me. I wasn’t scared of him, but I was still recovering from shock. 

I was in no way prepared to witness this, and the immense guilt I felt as I stared at the man that the vampire killed almost swallowed me whole.

I could’ve saved him. I should’ve saved him. But I just stood there and watched as a vampire--the things I live to kill--drink the life from his body.

I stepped back on impulse as I shook my head. He’s dead. 

My chest rose and fell as my heart rate increased, and my vision became blurry with an unfamiliar sting of tears. One of my people--the people I protect--is dead and it’s all because of me.

Well, it was 90% because of the actual killer, but the fact still remains that he was alive when I found them, and I didn’t help him. I didn’t save him.

I failed one. And it felt like I failed them all.

“No, no, no,” I mumbled as I pressed my back against the wall. I was very much aware of the vampire who was eying me as if I was his next snack, but I was too deep in grief to pay much attention to him.

Get a grip on yourself Amber! My inner voice screamed in my head, partially snapping me back to life. Looking up, I saw that the young man was inching closer to me as if he was about to have his next meal. 

Little did he know that he wouldn’t be the one killing me tonight. I’d be killing him.

Becoming somewhat focused on the task at hand, I fumbled with my chives gun that was sitting in my duty belt. But I soon discovered that my hands were shaking like a leaf. I knew it was still my body’s reaction to the pain that was surging through me, but the vampire thought that I was afraid of him.

As I gripped it in my hand, I held it and aimed straight at him, but with his vampire speed, he was in front of me in what seemed like a millisecond and my gun was snatched from my hand as if it was never even there.

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