Chapter 40

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I was all alone.

It was only human to get fearful in a situation like this. That bastard vampire took the love of my life and threatened both our lives. There was no way—no way on earth—that I could've remained completely confident.

But I had to try. It was a hard decision to make, but I did actually reach out for help. But, unfortunately, I haven't gotten a response yet, so I had to proceed with the assumption that I was doing this alone. And so, I had to do this for myself.

Of course, I had to go home, or the entire country would be on lockdown once my mother realized that I had gone missing. So, as much as I didn't want to, I returned home that night after I left Drew's house.

I twisted and turned all night. It was the first in a long while since I slept alone, and adding to the trauma of knowing my mate was at the mercy of that monster did just the trick. The message with the address he promised arrived at midnight. It wasn't too far away, but it would definitely take a while to arrive.

I had twenty-four hours. I hated playing in his game, but if I could spend just a single minute with Drew again, it would definitely be worth it. Just to feel him close and have him call my name—it would be bliss. I assumed that he gave Drew the same drug Veronica gave me because our link was blocked entirely.

I hated it. I hated Dageian for doing this to us. All so that he could live forever? That sick psychopath.

I managed to make it through the night with about one hour of sleep, and breakfast for me was a haze. My mother and father spoke to me, yet I didn't hear a thing they said. I was gone in a trance with my mind on one person—Drew.

It didn't even occur to me to hug them one more time because maybe—just maybe—it would be the very last time I would see them too.

It was Ruby who noticed that something was wrong with me, but when she asked, I knew there was no way I could tell her. So, I simply hugged her and did something that I never thought I'd do in front of someone else. I cried.

I wept so long and hard until her entire shoulder was soaked in my tears. What I loved was that she never once asked what was wrong. She was just there for me, and I appreciated that.

Soon, it was three o'clock, and I knew I had to leave. I told Ruby that I was staying in for the rest of the night, and she should take dinner to my room and leave it at the door. I also promised her that I'd talk to her when I felt better—a promise I knew I couldn't keep.
Still, it was too hard to say goodbye.

So, I geared up in my leather trousers, jacket and heavy-duty boots. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and stocked my duty belt with my old vampire-hunting weapons.

He told me to bring the dagger. He never told me that I couldn't have more to defend myself. I knew that he would probably demand that I get rid of them, but I couldn't feel comfortable leaving without them.

I stood before my mirror, staring at myself with bloodshot eyes. With a deep breath, I slid my darkest sunglasses over them, completing my look once and for all. If I was going to die tonight, I might as well die looking like the badass I really am.


My motorcycle took me through the trees at full speed.

At this point, I knew there was no turning back, though that wasn't an option from the beginning. I might be riding into my doom, and I might be riding into one final opportunity to hold my mate close to me again. I no longer thought about the what-ifs, and I didn't anticipate a way out of this mess. But I knew that taking my mate by his hands—even if it's just a slight touch— would be worth it in the end.

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