Chapter 16

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If fuck my life was an incident, it would've been me in this moment. 

After surviving not one, but two blood crazed vampires without my weapons, I get stuck in this shit again. 

Slowly, I started to back away, but he caught onto my movements and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, his smirk never once falling. 

"You're coming with me, little lady," he said coolly as if we were discussing the weather before he gripped my hand and started pulling me back inside the restaurant. I knew better than to try and fight a vampire unharmed, so just like before, I searched frantically for something that I could use to slap the shit out of him.

Alas, I spotted my old friend--the chair and I grabbed it, ready to swing with all my might until I heard the vampire speak again. 

"I found her!" he bellowed through the empty restaurant, confirming my nightmare that there were more of them. Soon, I was frozen with my grip still firm on the chair as I watched three vampires file in through the staff's door. 

My whole body loosened when I saw a familiar face rushing in behind them with my purse in his hands and worry written all over his face.

"Drew," I basically screamed in relief as I wiggled from the man's grip and went straight for him. I hated that I felt so vulnerable, but in the back of my mind he was the only one who could keep me safe while I'm unarmed and unprepared. 

"I've got you," he whispered in my hair as he squeezed me against his chest, and I could literally feel the relief seeping out of him through our bond. He must've thought I got hurt when he came here and saw my purse but not me. 

Wait, how  did he know I was here? 

"How did you know that I'm here?" I voiced my thoughts, not out of annoyance but pure curiosity. 

I pulled back only a little so that I was looking up at him, and his thumb rose to my cheek to caress it softly. 

"I didn't. I thought you were meeting with that duke in the castle where it's safe and not here in the town that is infested with vampires. But I got a call from my guy, Lorenzo, saying some locals were running from here and screaming on the top of their voices, and so we came over as fast as we could to see what was up. When we inspected the area, I saw your purse but I didn't see you. You don't know how worried I was."

I nodded in understanding in slight relief that, again, the vampires saved the day by catching the staff that ran from here. At least they'll be compelled to forget. 

"I was in the bathroom with Nathan. I'm sorry," I said and his whole body tensed with his eyes darkening. I then realised how wrong that sounded. 


"The first vampire that attacked us bit him. He lost a lot of blood. Then the second vampire attacked me and Nathan must've ran into the bathroom and passed out. I went looking for him," I explained, and he visibly relaxed. 

"Wait. You're the one who threw that girl's head against that broken table leg?" The vampire who found me asked with raised eyebrows. 

"Technically I kicked her." 

It was then that I realised that the room was occupied by four other vampires apart from Drew. The tall, dark man who found me, a stout woman who seemed like she had  an attitude, and two identical boys who barely looked like they left high school. 

"You've got quite some technique there, Princess. Quite impressive. When we came in and saw her lying there, I thought one of our men did it." 

"I'm sorry, you know who I am?" I asked with narrowed eyes, ready to pounce and break his neck. But they all stared at me dumbfounded before it occurred to me that I was not in my night gear, and anyone would know that I'm the princess even in all this blood. 

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