Chapter 27

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It seemed as if she dodged the chives, which was good considering that I wasn’t actually attacking her. But at least she will now know not to sneak up on me. 

“Sorry,” was all I said as I yanked my dagger from her shoulder. She winced a bit but nodded anyway. 

“That’s okay. Drew wasn’t lying when he said that you were a fucking badass. Sorry for sneaking upon you like that, but it’s how I get around. I’m a creature of habit.” 

“Aren’t we all?” I mumbled as I wiped her blood from my dagger. A few inches lower and she would’ve been dead. I wonder if Drew would’ve believed me if I told him it was an accident? “Where is he anyway?” 

“He stopped in Derile to check on the others who are guarding the vampires in that warehouse. Do you know that they feed them on animal blood?” she whispered the last part with disbelief on her face as if it was an abomination. 

“How awful,” I retorted sarcastically. 

“Anyways, I came back because I wanted to talk to you.” 

She had my attention now. “Sure. About what?” 

About how she purposely ruined Drew’s and I moments earlier? I was still pissed. I didn’t even feel bad that she was bleeding now because of me. 

“I  know you don’t appreciate that I showed up like this today.” No shit. “But you are really important to Drew, and so you are important to me too. I want us to get along. I usually show up unannounced at his home, whether he’s here or in Ireland.” 

I nodded. “Okay.” 

Her cheeks suddenly began to redden underneath the dim street light. Weird. 

“And I’m sorry for interrupting earlier. I swear I didn’t know.” She giggled and dropped her gaze from mine, looking embarrassed. 

She was either the best liar in the world or telling the truth. 

I didn’t know which one to accept just yet. 

“But I know we can be really great friends if you give me  the chance to start over on the right foot. I can't have you hating me forever right?” she asked with a slight tease, but mostly serious. 

“I don’t hate you,” I told her honestly. Hate is a strong word. I might’ve greatly disliked her but not hate. 

“Right. But I have eyes. I know you aren’t fond of my presence.” 

“Well yes.” I was also very straight forward and bare-faced. It took a while to warm up to others, so she simply had to join the line. “Did Drew put you up to this?” I finally asked when the thought crossed my mind. 

“No,” she replied. “In fact, he doesn’t even know I’m talking to you. I know it would mean a lot to him if we get along though. That’s if you’re willing to.” 

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