Chapter 37- A Day at Court

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AN/ I'd like to remind my readers that this book is fictional, so any incidents, names, or situations that are similar to ones in real life are completely coincidental, and should not be taken seriously.

I'm not a lawyer, judge, or anything else relating to law, so I'm aware that I have little knowledge when it comes to situations in court, and therefore, I'm also aware that scenes in this Chapter are not 100% accurate, so please don't try to point out any mistakes, which I'm sure there are, and just read it for the sake of entertainment, that's why I'm writing it.

Despite this, I'd also like you to know that I did a lot of research for this specific chapter, so the situation isn't completely false.

Thank you, enjoy the chapter.

--Angelina POV--

I have been waiting for this day for far too long, so now that it's here, I'm not sure how I should act. Overwhelmed is one way to put it, along with nervous, because despite the fact that the court was in our favour, nothing has been set in stone.

"We will now start the trial for case number 006514, in which the defendant, Mrs Angelina Vandenburg, will be defending her rights as the CEO of Luxurian perfumery." Reid spoke into the mic from his position at the front of the courtroom.

"Defendant, you may give your opening statement," Nathanial nodded his head, standing up as he went to face the waiting jury, sparing a glance at the audience behind me, before sending me an assuring smile.

I turned to look behind me at where Lucian was sat in the audience, and he gave me an encouraging smile, my mother sat beside him, and Leandro sat beside her.

"Thank you, your honour... Most might not see it, but it is clear that Mrs Angelina is a victim of financial abuse, amongst other forms which her ex-husband, the plaintiff, has confessed to with his actions as he refused to pay her any settlement money-"

"Objection, your honour!" The lawyer from the other side shouted.

"Overruled. Defendant, continue," Reid dismissed as the attorney from the other side sat back down with a glare directed to Nathan.

"Yes, your honour. At the previous trial, the plaintiff not only took Mrs Vandenburg's company, which I might add, is a company she created from the ground up, as well as refusing to give her any proper settlement-"

"Objection, your honour! The lawyer is speaking false truths, because the plaintiff, did, in fact, pay settlement money to the defendant," That same lawyer shouted once more.

"Sustained. Mr Davis, please be more concise with your words," Reid said as Nathanial nodded his head in an apologetic way in return.

"Yes, I apologise, your honour, but you see... I only say that because the amount of money given in return of taking a whole, thriving company away from her is nothing. While Mrs Vandenburg did, in fact, receive a few thousand euros as alimony, she lost her company which makes an average revenue of 60 billion euros. Tell me, is that fair?"

He paused in his speech for a moment to look around the audience before turning back to the jury who were intently listening to his every word.

"Luxurian is a famous company that I'm certain you are all aware of. Its high-quality perfumes leave all its customers satisfied. The company was founded in 2015, so it's very young compared to others, but that would go to show just how talented of an individual Mrs Vandenburg is to have been able to turn it into what it is today. And in the last 5 months, in the time that the company has been under Mr Moretti's hands, the revenue has gone down by over 50%. Now, if we were to put aside the original creator of Luxurian, and simply see the different CEO's, Mrs Angelina is clearly the better suited one,"

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