Chapter 30- Boredom.

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--Donovan POV--

I was bored, so bored that I was about to go out of my mind.

I had overestimated how fun of a person Nevaeh was, she has no personality, she can't even be considered a person since all she does every minute of every day is trying to be a rip off version of Angelina, a woman who used to be mine. 

I thought there was something in her that I loved, but there's nothing.

Compared to Angelina, she was far behind in everything. Angelina had the most beautiful brown hair that went perfectly with her caramel skin tone, and hazel eyes that seemed to glow under the sunlight. Angelina was always poised and sophisticated, she had a degree in business, could cook the best dishes, and made me laugh till my stomach hurt.

But Nevaeh, she had black hair that darkened everything, the most common eyes, a light skin tone that burns easily in the sun, she had no educational background, couldn't cook a normal dish to save her life, hated reading, and forget making me laugh, she got rid of what little laughter I had in me, she wasn't even good in bed. She was, to put it simply, boring.

She's nothing like Angelina, and there's no way she'll ever accept that.

But if I were to divorce her with no other prospective wife, my father will actually kill me, and I was far too young to die.

The only way I could get rid of Nevaeh was to get Angelina back.

"Don, come on. What do you think of this?" She giggled like a child, pulling me along with her as we walked into yet another shop in the mall.

We were currently in Germany, getting ready for the party tomorrow which Lina and her new, fake husband had invited us to attend, and since it would be both rude not to go, and Nevaeh was incessant on going, we came, but I'm already regretting it.

"Don, don't ignore me," She nagged.

I hated it when she called me that. Don was a nickname given to me by Angelina, and I only liked hearing it from her lips.

"What is it?" I asked, going to sit on the couch as she showed me a black dress that I was certain she wouldn't wear. I don't understand her, she earned no money herself, and spent what money I had like it was water.

She's not even going to wear these clothes; she'll just shove it back in the closet and wear something of Angelina's. She's mad, I knew that, she must have some sort of mental condition or something that causes her to act like this.

"What do you think?" She asked as I nodded along for the sake of shutting her up.

"It's nice," I complimented.

"That's it? At least give me a better adjective,"

"Amazing," I sighed.

She huffed, going away to the changing rooms as I slouched back on the couch, waiting to go back to the hotel so I could close my eyes and go to sleep where Nevaeh couldn't reach me in my dreams since Angelina was the only one there.

She dragged me around for a while longer before finally granting me the freedom to return to the hotel where I threw myself onto the bed.

But I couldn't even fall asleep since my phone started ringing, and upon seeing who it was, my foul mood grew even more gruesome.

But I had to pick up since this was a person I couldn't ignore.

"Yes," I answered.

"Why did you take so long to pick up? What kind of Duke are you if you can't even answer the phone? I assume you're lazing about in bed right now instead of getting any work done too," I blinked, scoffing as I noticed my position as I lay in bed, and got up.

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