“Aah!” My thoughts were cut short when I was yanked by my hair and flung against a table and some chairs of the empty restaurant. Wincing and holding my head, I forced my eyes open, seeing not one, but two vampires standing in front of me. 

One of them was the man who I shot with chives serum, and the other was a woman, around my age, glaring at me and baring her teeth.

The blonde man was still obviously weak, but he seemed to have called back up. My eyes drifted to Nathan who was frozen in his spot looking between the three of us.

I analysed my chances at winning. With the weak vampire, it was highly likely, but with her… She looked like a woman on a mission.

As if reading my thoughts, she launched herself at me while the male went after Nathan again. I watched as he dashed for the door, but I tried to keep the woman away from me as much as possible.

I swung a chair at her, sending her skidding across the room and I wasted no time in slamming another one the ground to break its leg, providing me with a makeshift stake. It couldn’t kill her, but it would be enough to kill her temporarily so I can get away.

As if it was nothing, she hopped from the ground and stalked closer to me again, watching the stake with a smirk as if thinking she already won this fight.

“I won’t even make this hard for you. All I want is a snack,” she taunted with a thick British accent.

“What are you doing here? Why did you come to Consok?” I asked with hope that she was a talker.

She laughed hysterically, throwing her head back before meeting my gaze again with fiery, deadly ones.

“I don’t know. The only thing I remember is being at my workplace in the parking lot getting ready to go home, and then I’m on a fucking plane coming here feeling starved and most of all, thirsty.”

I could see that she was angry. Not necessarily at me, but at whoever changed her and brought her here, subjecting her to a life of murder for food.

“Maybe I can help you find him,” I said, but only as bait to get her guard lowered. However, she didn’t fall for it.

“You?” She scoffed. “You couldn’t help me even if you were the last person on earth, you puny human. I don’t care for who did this to me either. I’m just hungry.” And just like that, she was bolting towards me again.

I braced for impact as I swung my fist which successfully connected with the side of her head as she appeared in front of me. I could see that she wasn’t equipped with all her vampire abilities, since she wasn’t moving at vampire speed.

Good for me.

I didn’t wait for her to recover. Instead, plunged the stick deep in her back, making her bellow out a deafening scream at the top of her lungs. I twisted it and braced my foot on her side so that I could snap it in two while half of it was still inside of her.

But to my demise, the pain must’ve boosted her adrenaline, because her speed increased tremendously, and in a flash I was beneath her with my head slamming against the ground.

Here’s to another splitting headache.

“You bitch!” she gritted out with her hands tightening around my shoulder as if she no longer wanted to drink my blood, only kill me.

I gasped for air as her killer grip felt like she was about to snap my neck any minute, and I searched desperately with my hands for anything I could use to get her off of me.

My Vampire Mate Where stories live. Discover now