My eyes grew wider as I blinked a couple times. I’ve never seen a vampire move that fast before. Ever.

Not even Drew.

“What were you trying to do? Stupid girl,” he taunted with a smirk, my hand still in his grip. I flashed him a perfectly raised eyebrow as I glared at him.

Stupid girl? Does he even know who I am?

“You’re about to find out, you killer,” I spat as I grabbed my dagger and sank it in his neck. The pain of losing an innocent man and my anger towards this man was fueling me, and I smirked in satisfaction when he winced and pulled away.

My gun was still a few feet away, but in his distracted state, I could easily end him. And that was exactly what I was going to do.

From my holder, I grabbed my second golden dagger and moved closer in an attempt to  sink it deep in his chest as he attempted to  pull my second dagger from his neck. His blood was on my face and everywhere, but I didn’t care. He murdered an innocent man and he will pay dearly.

However, he caught onto my movement, and in the blink of an eye I was slammed against the wall, sending my dagger flying from my grip at the blow. I winced in pain as it felt like I shattered every bone in my body. 

Warm, thick liquid trickled down my neck from where my head took the blow, and by far, this had been the worst fight I’ve ever had with a vampire.

A minacious laugh sounded from in front of me as he stooped down to the level that I slid against the wall. If only he hadn’t seen when I raised my chives gun at him. I’m a mere human after all. I’m terrific at fighting and killing vampires, but only while they were at human speed and strength. And for that to happen, I always had to give them a dose of chives from my loaded gun. I always led with it and ended with my dagger.

But to my demise, I didn’t catch this one by surprise, and so he discarded my only leverage over him. For all I know, he could kill me right now.

“Hey, I know you.” He drawled as if he’d just discovered something, before pulling my dark kerchief from my face. 

I used it to cover half of my face so that I don’t get recognised, but he was too close for too long.

“You’re the princess,” he said in fake amazement as he grabbed my chin to pull my face upward to meet his gaze. I knew mine was filled with venom as I glared at him. I was too weak to fight back, and I had no more chive with me, so I was at his mercy even though I would never admit or accept that. 

I knew he wasn’t a local. He had an accent that sounded Australian. No wonder he doesn’t feed the same like the others. He wasn’t from here.

I wanted to send him right back to where he came from, or better yet, hell.

I glanced in the direction where my gun laid as I calculated the odds of reaching it. But it was no use. The gun was too far.

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