Author's Note

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Part two - Starstorm - is up! Feel free to check it out on my profile.


Alllioni, Tam and Chia have successfully rescued Kaya from the airship, and from being sacrificed in exchange for a wish.

For now.

Yara sends them onward to Xanthyor in an effort to track down someone who knows more on the Pact of Adalina, and to find a way to break Kaya's "curse", while she herself stays behind on the Voyager to act as their eyes and ears, gathering information, spying. 

However, as it soon turns out, the Rivyets are very obviously not the only ones pursuing Kaya, and may, perhaps, even be among those less of a threat - and when the introduction of a new player shakes the board to its very foundations, well.

They're going to need every bit of their strength, bravery and wit to remain a step ahead of their enemies.

And, more importantly, to remain alive.

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