Part V - Disappearance

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The next day, Kaya disappears.

They didn't realize it at first, of course – or maybe they simply hadn't wanted to talk about it because of what had happened. It's only after they're well past morning and afternoon that Chia brings it up.

"I don't know," Tam says. "Maybe she just needs some space to herself? After what happened yesterday..." he trailed off into silence.

"But what if something bad happened?" Chia insists. "What if the people from yesterday... what if there were more like them? What if they got to her?"

Allioni hesitates, then stands up. "I'm going to go look for her," he decides. "Regardless of what she did, she saved us – once yesterday, and once before that. We owe her. Besides – she's still our friend, isn't she?"

Chia bolts up from the table. "Wait – I'm coming with you too!"

The two of them turn to Tam expectantly. He blows out a sigh. "Fine. But if this was all for nothing –"

"Then we'll get you a new book," Chia promises.


"But it works," Allioni grins.

"It does," he admits, standing up and heading to join them. "Well?" he raises an eyebrow. "What're you waiting for?"

"Aye-aye, captain," Allioni mock-salutes before opening the door.


"Doesn't look like anyone's home," Chia says, shading her eyes from the glaring sun – as bright as ever even though it's already about to set – and peering up at the mansion, looming over them like some sort of foreboding omen, all grey stone and iron and darkened windows.

"Yeah," Tam agrees, looking around. "Gate was open when we slipped in too."

Chia frowns, presses the doorbell.

It rings out, shrill and high-pitched and more than a little loud, causing the three of them to jump.

A pause, stretching into thirty seconds and then a full minute.

No one comes.

Chia's frown deepens, and she presses the doorbell again.

And again.

And again.

"Stop that," Tam hisses, grabbing her wrist to bar her from pressing it a fifth time.

"Sorry," she says, lowering her hand sheepishly before heading to look inside the windows instead, rapping a knuckle on the glass. "Hellooooooo! Anybody home?"

"Doubt it," Tam says. "That bell could've woken the dead."

"Let's try one last time," Allioni says, striding up to the door to knock. "And if it doesn't work –" The door creaks open the instance his hand brushes the wood. He pauses. "Huh. Do we...?"

"Well, we did come all this way," Tam says.

"...right," Allioni says, tentatively stepping inside. "Sorry for the intrusion!" He calls out, the echo of his voice bouncing around the foyer the only reply they can hear.

It's dark inside – so much so that they can barely see two feet in front of them – and Tam ends up taking the lead, having the best eyesight out of all of them, cautioning them when there's something blocking their way or they need to go up some stairs.

Chia shudders, glancing around. "I don't like this," she whispers. "Something's wrong –" she bumps into something and shrieks before a hand clamps over her mouth.

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