Part 25

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"Do you think the other baby is on this side, your highness?" you looked up to his face, when you couldn't hear anything. He was lost in the ocean of his endless worries. "Your highness?" you waved your hand in front of his eyes but he didn't react at all.

"Huh?" he said after a few calls. "Is something weighing you, your highness? You look worried." you asked, seeing his worn out face. "No, nothing." he muttered, before leaning and placing a kiss near your right eyebrow.

"You don't have to smile if you don't want to," you asserted, looking into his eyes after he tried to force a smile on his lips while caressing your belly.

"You can talk to me about your burdens. I am not sure if I would be of any help, but I can listen well." you offered, your eyes on him. He didn't meet your eyes today or he didn't want to. You guessed that he was probably worried about the upcoming war.

"Everything will be okay." you snuggled further into his arms but couldn't because of your belly. "It must be." he raised your chin, his hands cupping your cheeks. His eyes that you could clearly see now appeared to have cried a thousand times and had become dull.

Turning sideways, you pulled his hand signalling him to come closer and close the gap between your back and his chest. Taehyung rested his chin on your shoulder, his nose slightly rubbing against your neck.

His hand searched for yours to hold them. "Your highness, I know you will find a solution and save the whole country from falling into the abyss. I know you can do it. Even if something were to go out of hand, please always remember that I and our two children will always be on your side." you tightened your grip on his fingers.

All you could do was to give him courage. "What if it is out of my control? What if I have to watch by when...?" he didn't finish his sentence, his voice faltering near the end.

"Then let's believe in god! He won't do something bad to you, who always walked the right path. If you harbour positivity, positive things will happen." you tilted your head backwards just enough to see his face.

"Forget your worries now and sleep peacefully. A good sleep is a must to operate well." you pressed your lips slightly against his.

Next morning:

"Her highnesses noble consort Seo and other consorts are here, your royal highness." the guard outside your quarter announced. You looked up to your court lady, raising your eyebrows.

"Let them enter!" you ordered and the guards opened the wooden door revealing noble consort Seo and the members in her gang. They looked like a rebelling group at first sight.

"I am afraid you are here at the wrong time, his highness is attending his meeting right now, sisters." you nodded with a little smile on your lips.

"We are here to meet you, our dear sister. We realized we hadn't spent some time after you got here." noble consort Seo grinned. "That is nice of you. I was bored staying here all day long!"

"Court lady, bring some tea for my sisters." you commanded, she bowed before exiting the room.

"I heard you suffer from extreme pregnancy symptoms. I have some herbs, they were brought from Jirisan mountain. They will help you." consort Kim Seoji grinned. You simply nodded. It was your first time noticing her.

*************some time later*************

"Let me be frank, y/n. I feel so bad for you. God is merciless to some people. What had an innocent woman like you did to get this. You are the youngest among us but you ...."

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