Part 23

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"Your highness, you are getting late!" you shook Taehyung's hand with half closed eyes. Court lady came to inform you that his highness would be late if he didn't wake up now.

"Your majesty!" you called out many times before laying your head on his chest giving up and going back to sleep. Taehyung woke up a few minutes later because of his gut feeling. He carefully put your head back on your pillow before heading out.

"Greetings, your highness!" Jimin bowed with his sword locked between his hands. "The underlings of the left state councillor have parted two ways. Some are still on the side of the left taste councillor while others are led by the health minister." Jimin reported while they walked through the corridors.

"Any action?" Teahyung questioned, heading towards the King's office. "It seems that the people on the health minister's side are still hesitating because the left state councillor has been threatening them individually.

But they are finding evidence for treasure to imprison the left state councillor." Jimin disclosed.

"The health minister wants to meet you secretly. He is in your study chamber right now. He didn't want the left state councillor to know through his spies so he sneaked in in the middle of the night. He is in the outer zone of the chamber, your highness." Jimin stated in case Taehyung would be worried.

"Keep a close eye on the left state councillor." Taehyung ordered before entering his study chamber.

12.00 pm

"It is enough,court lady." you informed her not wanting to be late on the harem meeting.

You wondered why no one was there except his highness when it was already noon. You walked the stairs and sat down on your usual seat, on the other side of the table.

"Come here!" Taehyung directed nearer him with his eyes. "I am fine here, your highness." you shrugged. "I said to come here!" he kind of raised his voice at the end. You approached him and sat on his right looking at the ground.

"I didn't mean to raise my voice. Are you sad?" he questioned seeing your face. "I wanted you to sit near me. Habits can't be changed easily. I meant it in a friendly way." he tried to convince you.

"Whatever you say. You should walk around with a baby." you muttered, giving him a side eye. "I would try it once for your sake but I can't. I am a man." he added. "You can carry a rock worth a baby!" you muttered on the side.

"Why aren't other consorts here yet?" you queried not seeing anyone till now. "Why would they be here?" "For the harem meeting." you replied.

"There will not be any harem meeting today. I don't think they would want to" he smirked. "I thought there was one. Then" he grabbed your wrist before you could speak further.

"I haven't eaten yet. Eat with me." he hurriedly said before you would want to leave. The servants served the dishes. "Why aren't you eating?" he asked, seeing you eating less because you always had a big hunger.

"I already ate earlier." you hesitantly said. "But I can keep you company." you said seeing his face turn sad. "Do you want a cup of tea?" you lifted the kettle. You watched him eat endearingly.

"My lady, could you stop staring at me like that? I can't eat properly." Taehyung suggested as his ears turned red. "You can't eat?" you thought, he meant that he lost his appetite.

"It excites me and I feel somehow pressurised. My stomach will explode." he cutely said, making short contact with your eyes. "I don't care. I want to see you finish this!" you said, cupping your right cheek with the corresponding hand.

His Lady |kth|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora