Part 19

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"Breathe slowly" he advised, meeting your gaze. "You startled the baby." he tried to lighten up the environment. "Why didn't you kill me that day? Why did you save me? At least I could have suffered less" you lamented, he helped you rest your head against the wall. "Are you listening to yourself? How must the baby feel when he hears his mother saying these things?" he scolded, handing you a glass of water.

"Because you didn't deserve it. You were innocent. I didn't want a young innocent soul to resent me." he finally disclosed after you stared into his gut. "Then you should have treated me better because I resent you." you muttered, gulping down the water. "I know I have treated you as a nobody. I... I ask for your apology. Even though this apology can't turn the time and heal your wounds, I hope you give me a chance." he hoped.

"Let me take care of you and our child." he caressed your hand. "Your highness, you and I... It is better if we stay as enemies. We both will be happier going our own ways. We aren't destined to be together. We aren't meant for each other" you represented your hopelessness. "How do you know that we aren't meant for each other? I know I have a bad image in your heart but can you give me just one chance?" Taehyung was almost begging at this point.

"Your highness, I too want to give you a chance. I want to be loved. But a broken mirror that is on the verge of breaking can't afford to be lifted up again. I am afraid. If I get heartbroken again, I won't be able to survive." you affirmed.

5 months 15 days pregnant:

Since that night, Taehyung didn't bring up that topic again. He came late at night and went before the sunrise. You barely saw him. Maybe he was embarrassed to get rejected or was hurt. Or he didn't feel like pursuing you again because he had understood. But he still glanced at you secretly.

"Your highness, his majesty, summoned you to the royal study." you were surprised when a servant came to deliver the message. You were kind of content to see him but a bit nervous too. The tension between you two had increased. The little curves on the edges of your lips disappeared, seeing all the consorts gathered there.

You sat down at the end, the empty seat before his highness' royal guard Jimin announced something. "As every year, there is going to be a hunting festival in Yeontan Kingdom. The royal palace is conducting one within the palace. As the consorts of his majesty you all shall participate in the hunt. There will be a prize for the winner." he closed the document after finishing his sentence.

You came back and lied on your futon because your back started hurting. "Why did he even invite me when I can't even participate?" you muttered, looking at your big belly. "Because you are his highness's consort." Bora replied, folding your clothes. "He has 9 more." you said, giving her a side eye. "But he has only one consort named y/n, who cares for him." she said to make you feel better.

"His highness is entering!" the royal guards announced. You wondered what happened for him to enter his quarter at noon. Bora helped you get up and sit. "Come in" he ordered after sitting on his seat without sparing you a glance. A tall man, a handsome tall man with broad shoulders entered and walked up to his highness to do a knowtow.

Bora couldn't help but drool at that handsome man. You smiled seeing her. "You are entering the age to get married." you whispered into her ears teasing her. "Uhm Uhm" Taehyung coughed to divert your attention to him. "This is Minister Jeon. He will accompany you tomorrow when we are out for the hunt." Taehyung informed you. Jungkook greeted you.

"Do you only have a handsome face or can you fight too?" you teased him. "Your highness, I ranked first in martial arts in my home country. I shall protect you at the cost of my life. Rest assured." he said with confidence. "You can leave." Taehyung ordered.''He has a nice smile too." you started gossiped with Bora. "CONSORT Y/n!" he called you, stressing on the word consort.

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