The end of the last phase

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Easton and his guys were heavily guarded with robots in their front section early morning Wednesday. Four to be precise, two standing on the left and the other two on the right. Their orders were to follow their boys and Easton anywhere they went throughout eternity. While they all stood at their different positions fixing and welding their respective generators, "it's obvious that we're now the laughing stock for all angels and citizens of heaven," Rob said

"I hate being a laughing stock," E said, "how come our enemy was with us all the while and we knew nothing? Not even a sign, that's good tactics we got there,"

"He was the best," the boss said, that's why we took him along in the first place,"

"hahaha," Mike laughed out loud striking his hammer against the finely shaved engine,

"What's so funny?" Smith says looking mein,

"It turns out I'm not the real enemy. Hahaha,"

Boss drops his spanner and walks up to Mike, "you better be careful with your tongue or I'll kick you out,"

Mike drops his hammer and locks his head with the boss, "we've done this before, you take me out, I take you out. It's that simple,"

"What do you wanna say that Ray hasn't?" Rob asked,

"The newest edition I guess," Mike smiled and stretched his hands backward pointing his thumb out, "the one we spent all night last night drafting. I don't really think you have another backup plan,"

"He's right boss, let him go," E said, "that's the last soup in my head boss. If he spills it to Norman we are dead,"

Rob folded his hands and leaned against the wall, "I think we have a guess,"

"Who?" The boss turned around and saw Ray walking in with the lady in a red bandana. Smith into Ray's path immediately, "it's off limit man," Smith says

"I work here," Ray said staring everyone in the eye,

"You sell here," Rob said, "we are your goods, are we not?"

"I don't expect someone who spent half his life a bulwark to understand the reason I did what I did"

Rob got into Ray's face, "what do you call me?"

"I made myself clear,"

"Hey, cut it guys," E yells, "I don't want anyone to be in the infirmary it's tonight,"

"We have unfinished," Rob picks Ray's mouth, "lip,"

"Rob, live the kid,"

"I'm not a kid," Ray said, "And I don't regret what I did,"

"We will leave tonight along with everyone in heaven," E stepped out of his spot and walked up to Ray, "when we leave, the media will honor those who fought hard for it. And I'll make it my mission your name is not mentioned,"

"I can say my name and the part I played,"

"Yeah, the part of a rat," Rob said

"I don't expect to understand," Ray said,

"Frustration must be killing you," E looked Ray in the face and laughed, "no recommendation for you,"

"Hey guys," the red lady shouted,

"what's up beautiful," Mike said and smiled at her astonishing face,

"I've been here for over 10 minutes and all I hear is fight and quarrels, nothing more,"

"Do you have a message from Ria or not," E said looking her in the face,

"Why I'm I here in the first place?" She opens the circular ceramic plate covered on the flat golden one and brought out a paper, "from Ria,"

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