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"Nothing can stop what's coming, no other word describes it," Ria assigned herself a company outside the mini hut, during a crazy but manageable sand storm a mile away.

"God would help us," she says

"God's not coming, it's you and me in this funless society, and we have to find our way home, or we'll die in two weeks,"

"I wasn't scared to die, but turn a vampire and hurt my family the people I call blood, that's something I don't want to experience," the woman told Ria

"I won't let that happen,"

"You can't save all of us, but I was thinking of smuggling us into the neighboring country. We can take one of those engines and find our way, I'm sure if we go 50 miles west we'll hit the Moroccan walls "

"That's good thinking," Ria tapped her forehead "but…" Ria stopped for a moment, emotional turmoil took much out of Ria than physical effort did, "I would make inquiries with the new guy, he should know more about something of some sort,"

"Let me inquire something first," the woman said,

"Go on, I'm listening," Ria told her looking at her filthy rags, "

"If things go south and I can't make it, take my son with you and run,"

"Eww, what were you and your son doing in Safe Heaven, not like it's any good city to visit,"

"Long story, very long story,"

"It's a long night if you ask me,"

"Just don't feel safe discussing any of it with you, maybe another night,"

"Another night never comes," Ria giggles, "if you want to insinuate the fact you're Norman's wife, we already know about it,"

"Funny, but that's not the fact," she wears a hard smile, "we built it together, now I'm scouting the desert with a few of my workers," she sobbers, "he promised to make it helpful for both of us,"

"Norman is many things don't let it eat you up," Ria tries to console the crying mom, "go get some sleep, we keep moving by dawn,"


"Morning sir," Shae tells Flynn as she moves to pass him, "morning Shae, anymore update from the drone since then,"

"No sir, command center sky crew has taken back the drone for a refill, we hope to be scouting the area after 3 hours,"

"Good job, Sergeant, let me be updated on everything that goes down today, if any of our men are out there we'll have to secure him a safe passage home,"


"Ohh, had a comfortable sleep in a while," Easton tells himself coming out of the hut to face a burning sun staring at his face, "Ria…" he calls out

A skinny woman in a cheongsam dress from far in the sand walked up to Easton, "she would be back in a while,"

"Where did she go?" Easton asked,

"She went back to the crash site to pick up as many supplies as she can get," she walks away,

"Hey wait up," Easton shouted,

"Why? You wanna shoot me,"

"Want to interact,"

"Not available…" she says, "Ria would be the only one to keep you company till help comes for all of us,"

"Are you trying to mean something," Easton takes his helmet and rifle and waits for Ria. Not long after she appeared as a single file for a banking login. Easton spotted her from afar, then she emerged, "what are you doing?" Easton asked angrily

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